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Depends on the cost of living in the area that you live in. Contact a related business in your area and ask how much they are charging to give you an idea.

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Q: I need to know how much to charge for cutting a acre of grass?
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How much money should you charge to cut an acre of grass?

Who is supplying the mower and the fuel? Who is supplying the protective equipment? Is the acre fairly level, or is it hilly; is it clear or are there obstacles to cut around? How tall is the grass? The taller the grass, the slower the job. Are you sure it's an acre? How long will it take you to cut the entire acre? If you don't know, perform some calculations based on the fact that there are 43,560 square feet in an acre. How many square feet can you cut per second? How much are other people charging to do the same thing? How much do you want to earn over what period of time?

Is there a fee to the person whose check was stopped?

All bank I know of charge to stop a check.

How can you calculate a tax rate on a total charge?

Figuring out the tax rate on a total charge is quite simple. First you must know the tax rate you need to charge, then you use the formula tax= total amount- (total amount/(1 + tax rate)).

How damaging is a collection charge off?

Short Answer. Very damaging. I don't know the exact numbers for a charge-off but I do know that FICO recently revealed how their damage points work on some other items. For example, if you have 680 credit score and have a 30 day late payment, your score will drop 60 - 80 points. If your score if 780, it will drop 90 - 110 points. That's quite a bit. And I know that charge offs are viewed much worse.

What are the Importance of cost accounting to manufacturing?

How else would you know what costs really were and where they were incurred, and hence how to charge a price that produced a profit?

Related questions

How much money should you charge to cut an acre of grass?

Who is supplying the mower and the fuel? Who is supplying the protective equipment? Is the acre fairly level, or is it hilly; is it clear or are there obstacles to cut around? How tall is the grass? The taller the grass, the slower the job. Are you sure it's an acre? How long will it take you to cut the entire acre? If you don't know, perform some calculations based on the fact that there are 43,560 square feet in an acre. How many square feet can you cut per second? How much are other people charging to do the same thing? How much do you want to earn over what period of time?

When do you use the phrase how much in a sentence?

How much do apples cost? I didn't know how much to pay the boy for cutting my grass.

What is World day about?

World day is about not cutting the grass you know dhum kids and also flowers,and 4 last the trees!xD

What exactly is worlds children's day?

World day is about not cutting the grass you know dhum kids and also flowers,and 4 last the trees!xD

What is the amount of current flowing through a toaster if it takes 850 C of charge to toast two slices of bread in two minutes if you know the GRASS method that would be great?

850 C of charge in 2 minutes means 850 C in 120 seconds = 71/12 C per second. "1 C of charge per second" is the definition of 1 Ampere of current. You don't need to know about the bread, and I don't know what the GRASS method is.

What does it cost to fertilze one acre of grass?

It depends on how much soil nutrients it needs. You need to first pull a sample of the soil and have it tested. Then, when you know what is needed, you can go talk to local suppliers to get prices for each nutrient.

How many feet to fence in a 1 acre?

i do not know and care!!! new answer depends on shape of acre and type of fence

Yards of dirt are there in an acre of land?

There are 43,560 square feet in an acre of land. To determine the volume of dirt in an acre, you would also need to know the depth of the dirt. If you assume a depth of 1 foot, then there would be 43,560 cubic feet of dirt in an acre.

How do you know that the grass is green?

because the grass is tanots

Why is it that every time you work or run on wet or damp grass afterwords your feet start to sting extremely bad This has happened every time you work or run and no one you know has this problem?

You might be allergic to grass! It isn't too uncommon. Do your arms itch if you lay in the grass? Does cutting the grass make you feel kind of sick? It might benefit you to go talk to a doctor who specializes in allergies.

The process of cutting several pieces at once is know as?

Batch cutting.

What should I know before buying a lawn tractor?

Figure out what you plan to use it for. Will you just be cutting grass or need to mow down small brush and tow things? This will effect the model you would need to buy.