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No. If you make more than $600 from an individual company, they will send you a 1099-misc instead.

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Q: I am independent contractor so will mystery shopping companies will send me a w2 form at the end of the year?
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What is the salary in a month?

Mystery shoppers are not employees, they are independent contractors (self-employed) and they get paid by the assignment. So there is no salary. A shopper can work for many companies and has the flexibility to take jobs that pertain to their area of expertise and interest.

What are the advantages of using Mystery Shopping Solutions and Mystery Audit for Retail Services?

The use of Mystery shoppers and survey companies can allow a business not juts a retailer to have an unbiased view of their customer facing operation, how it actually works and what plus and negative points are occurring. In addition it can allow "management" to have s snap shot of areas that whose operation can feed a business and Quality development plan as well as HR areas

What comes to mind when you hear the words Mystery Shopping?

Most people think of Mystery Shopping as someone covertly visiting a retailer and assessing how well they sell an item and their service. This is a small part of what this process is. The term is now generic and covered not just retail but hospitality, financial institutions , even some government departments utilise these company's to undertake not just customer service checks but procedure and process checks. There are many avenues to the title and require good communication skills, attention to detail and the ability to work covertly. Most roles are classed as a self employed role and offer a range of payments that are below the minimum earning scale however, there are some assignment that an ear a fair hourly rate but these are not always simple tasks and can require unsocial times , traveling etc

What are the benefits of Mystery Audit for retailers?

If you are in retailers business, you can count on Mystery Audit to boost your staff performance, the benefits that I can count on are: · Monitored and measured service performance · Improves customer retention · Makes employees aware of what is important in serving customers · Monitors facility conditions · Ensures product/service delivery quality. · Supports promotional programs · Allows for competitive analyses between locations · Identifies training needs and sales opportunities · Ensures positive customer relationships on the front line. · Enforces employee integrity and knowledge. · Supports hustle by employees to meet customers

Related questions

What are the terms of employment of a mystery shopper?

You are employed as an Independent Contractor which means if you work for a mystery shopping agency, or a company directly - you are self-employed. Look into what that entails where you live.

Mystery shopper of Clarksdale Mississippi?

Many mystery shopping companies have national clients and hire shoppers wherever those clients have locations. If you apply to as many mystery shopping companies and scheduling services as you can, you will be notified when they have jobs in your area. Never pay a fee to apply for mystery shopping jobs. Legitimate mystery shopping companies do not charge fees.

Is linkshare a mystery shopper company?

LinkShare is not a mystery shopping agency, but they may be affiliated with companies that provide market research services, such as mystery shopping. LinkShare helps companies with online marketing.

Is it good to do merchandising and mystery shopping together?

Yes, merchandising and mystery shopping often go hand in hand, meaning that mystery shopping companies often look for merchandisers as well. They involve different duties, so you have to see what you like doing.

What are mystery shopper companies in New York?

Mystery shopper companies are companies that will shop for you. However, I would not use them. I would do your shopping yourself so you know exactly what you're getting.

Is there a mystery shopper company located in North Dakota?

It doesn't matter where the mystery shopping company is, if you are looking for secret shopper jobs in North Dakota, you want companies that have clients in North Dakota.Many mystery shopping companies have national clients and hire shoppers wherever those clients have locations. If you apply to as many mystery shopping companies and scheduling services as you can, you will be notified when they have jobs in your area.Never pay a fee to apply for mystery shopping jobs. Legitimate mystery shopping companies do not charge fees.The Secrets of Mystery Shopping RevealedDo you love to shop? If so, you may be tempted by unsolicited emails or newspaper ads that claim you can earn a living as a secret or mystery shopper by dining at elegant restaurants, shopping at pricey stores, or checking into luxurious hotels. But, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency, marketers who promise lucrative jobs as mystery shoppers often do not deliver bona fide opportunities.What is Mystery Shopping?Some retailers hire marketing research companies to evaluate the quality of service in their stores; these companies use mystery shoppers to get the information anonymously. They assign a mystery shopper to make a particular purchase in a store or restaurant, for example, and then report on the experience. Typically, the shopper is reimbursed, and can keep the product or service. Many professionals in the field consider mystery shopping a part-time activity, at best. And, they add, opportunities generally are posted online by marketing research or merchandising companies. Nevertheless, fraudulent mystery shopping promoters are using newspaper ads and emails to create the impression that they're a gateway to lucrative mystery shopper jobs with reputable companies. These solicitations usually promote a website where consumers can "register" to become mystery shoppers - after they pay a fee for information about a certification program, a directory of mystery shopping companies, or a guarantee of a mystery shopping job.The truth is that it is unnecessary to pay money to anyone to get into the mystery shopper business. The shopping certification offered in advertising or unsolicited email is almost always worthless. A list of companies that hire mystery shoppers is available for free; and legitimate mystery shopper jobs are on the Internet for free. Consumers who try to get a refund from promoters of mystery shopping jobs usually are out of luck. Either the business doesn't return the phone calls, or if it does, it's to try another pitch.The Facts of Mystery ShoppingBecoming a legitimate mystery shopper for a legitimate company doesn't cost anything. Here's how to do it: Search the Internet for mystery shopping companies that are accepting applications. Legitimate companies don't charge an application fee. Many accept applications online.Do some homework about mystery shopping. Check libraries or bookstores for tips on how to find companies hiring mystery shoppers, as well as how to do the job effectively.Visit the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) website at for information on how to register to be a mystery shopper with a MSPA-member company, a database of available jobs, and additional information on the industry in general.In the meantime, the FTC says consumers should be skeptical of mystery shopping promoters who:Advertise for mystery shoppers in a newspaper's 'help wanted' section or by email. While it may appear as if these companies are hiring mystery shoppers, it's much more likely that they're pitching unnecessary - and possibly bogus - mystery shopping "services."Sell "certification." Companies that use mystery shoppers generally do not require certification.Guarantee a job as a mystery shopper.Charge a fee for access to mystery shopping opportunities.Sell directories of companies that provide mystery shoppers.If you think you have encountered a mystery shopping scam, file a complaint with your local consumer protection agency, the Better Business Bureau, your State Attorney General, or the FTC ( FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint or to get free information on consumer issues, visit or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261. The FTC enters consumer complaints into the Consumer Sentinel Network, a secure online database and investigative tool used by hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad.

Why do you think Mystery Shopping is necessary?

Mystery shopping is necessary for companies to get an objective opinion on how their business is doing. If they used their own employees to evaluate their service and operations, it would be biased. So Mystery Shoppers are used who don't already have a connection with the company, to provide honest feedback.

Is merchandising the same thing as mystery shopping?

No. Although merchandising can have a relationship to mystery shopping and some Companies offer opportunities in both. Merchandising involves announced contact with the business (prior or on the day) and involves some form of stocking, display set up, or demo. I have done minimal merchandising but have done plenty of auditing or mystery shopping of the work of the merchandising rep!

What are the laws in Florida regarding mystery shopping?

Many states have no regulations regarding mystery shopping. In Florida however, a private investigator's license is required to engage in mystery shopping.

What mystery shopping companies are safe?

Companies you should become a mystery shopper with- There are several companies in INdia which provide mystery shopping assignments. I myself is registered with 3-4 companies. Out of which I really like working with Bare and Trans MR. I have done some great assignments with both of them. I used to do it as a part time work after coming home from a 9-5 job. My frequency was a little less in the earlier time. But as I got to know the skills and I am much more confident now, I love doing mystery assignments. I usually take up more assignments from Trans MR as they have audits in bulk. Their staff provide proper training prior the visit. They even provide a feedback post visit so that you can improvise in your further visits. Also, the payment cycle is fair as I get my payments regularly from them. I rarely have to follow up with them. I have also done some assignments for HS Brands, they too provide a fair deal of assignments.

What do you understand about the term 'Mystery Shopping'?

A Mystery Shopper goes into a company to evaluate its service and operations. Because the staff never know who this person is, what they look like, or what time they're arriving, it is termed a mystery shop. The idea is that the Mystery Shopper is supposed to come across like your average shopper. Hence, the term 'mystery shopping'.mystery shopper is a tool used externally by market research companies, watchdog organizations, or internally by companies themselves to measure quality of service, or compliance with regulation, or to gather specific information about products and services.

How do you become a mystery or secret shopper?

Do you love to shop? If so, you may be tempted by unsolicited emails or newspaper ads that claim you can earn a living as a secret or mystery shopper by dining at elegant restaurants, shopping at pricey stores, or checking into luxurious hotels. But, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency, marketers who promise lucrative jobs as mystery shoppers often do not deliver bona fide opportunities. Some retailers hire marketing research companies to evaluate the quality of service in their stores; these companies use mystery shoppers to get the information anonymously. They assign a mystery shopper to make a particular purchase in a store or restaurant, for example, and then report on the experience. Typically, the shopper is reimbursed, and can keep the product or service. Many professionals in the field consider mystery shopping a part-time activity, at best. And, they add, opportunities generally are posted online by marketing research or merchandising companies. Nevertheless, fraudulent mystery shopping promoters are using newspaper ads and emails to create the impression that they're a gateway to lucrative mystery shopper jobs with reputable companies. These solicitations usually promote a website where consumers can "register" to become mystery shoppers - after they pay a fee for information about a certification program, a directory of mystery shopping companies, or a guarantee of a mystery shopping job. The truth is that it is unnecessary to pay money to anyone to get into the mystery shopper business. The shopping certification offered in advertising or unsolicited email is almost always worthless. A list of companies that hire mystery shoppers is available for free; and legitimate mystery shopper jobs are on the Internet for free. Consumers who try to get a refund from promoters of mystery shopping jobs usually are out of luck. Either the business doesn't return the phone calls, or if it does, it's to try another pitch. Becoming a legitimate mystery shopper for a legitimate company doesn't cost anything. Here's how to do it: * Search the Internet for mystery shopping companies that are accepting applications. Legitimate companies don't charge an application fee. Many accept applications online. * Do some homework about mystery shopping. Check libraries or bookstores for tips on how to find companies hiring mystery shoppers, as well as how to do the job effectively. * Visit the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) website at for information on how to register to be a mystery shopper with a MSPA-member company, a database of available jobs, and additional information on the industry in general. In the meantime, the FTC says consumers should be skeptical of mystery shopping promoters who: * Advertise for mystery shoppers in a newspaper's 'help wanted' section or by email. While it may appear as if these companies are hiring mystery shoppers, it's much more likely that they're pitching unnecessary - and possibly bogus - mystery shopping "services." * Sell "certification." Companies that use mystery shoppers generally do not require certification. * Guarantee a job as a mystery shopper. * Charge a fee for access to mystery shopping opportunities. * Sell directories of companies that provide mystery shoppers. If you think you have encountered a mystery shopping scam, file a complaint with your local consumer protection agency, the Better Business Bureau, your State Attorney General, or the FTC ( The FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint or to get free information on consumer issues, visit or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261. The FTC enters consumer complaints into the Consumer Sentinel Network, a secure online database and investigative tool used by hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad. Source: Federal Trade Commission A Cautionary Word to the Wise The Internet hosts many "get rich quick" schemes and offers, be "Net Savvy"! Be wary of mystery shopping company directories and certification programs being hawked on the internet! Save yourself needless costs and grief. No legitimate company conducting mystery shopping charges any fees to apply for assignments. A simple search on the internet will produce a host of legitimate companies. Go on their site to determine if they have assignments in your immediate area before taking the time and effort to submit an application. Good Luck! Source: