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decree of divorce and no dependents

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Q: How should an A-4 form look like filled out filing single with no dependents?
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When should you claim Single filing status with no dependents?

You claim Single filing status with no dependents if you meet certain conditions. One, you've never been married, and you don't have any dependents. Two, you're legally separated under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance, and you don't have any dependents. Three, you're widowed, you haven't remarried, and you have no dependents.

What is the difference between single and fiing head of household?

The difference between filing single and head of household is the type of situation the tax filer has. Filing head of household can lead to a lesser tax paid for the year. If a person is single, but has dependents, it is better to file head of household. If a person is single with no dependents, a person should file as single.

108,991.20 tax tables for filing jointly but at a higher single rate and married w/0 dependents?

If my husband makes $75,000 in 2011 filing married and zero and I make $34,615 filing married but at a higher single rate and zero plus $25 will we owe taxes or get a refund?

how much tax is owed for single no dependents with income of $50,000?

what will be the tax owed on $60,000.00 for single and no dependents?

How do I figure out which federal tax form is the right one to fill out?

If you are single with no dependents and no deductions then you can use the EZ form. If you are head of household with dependents and no deductions then use 1040A, Finally if you have lots of deductions with or without dependents or spouse you should use the 1040 which will allow you to itemize.

Related questions

When should you claim Single filing status with no dependents?

You claim Single filing status with no dependents if you meet certain conditions. One, you've never been married, and you don't have any dependents. Two, you're legally separated under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance, and you don't have any dependents. Three, you're widowed, you haven't remarried, and you have no dependents.

What is the difference between single and fiing head of household?

The difference between filing single and head of household is the type of situation the tax filer has. Filing head of household can lead to a lesser tax paid for the year. If a person is single, but has dependents, it is better to file head of household. If a person is single with no dependents, a person should file as single.

108,991.20 tax tables for filing jointly but at a higher single rate and married w/0 dependents?

If my husband makes $75,000 in 2011 filing married and zero and I make $34,615 filing married but at a higher single rate and zero plus $25 will we owe taxes or get a refund?

how much tax is owed for single no dependents with income of $50,000?

what will be the tax owed on $60,000.00 for single and no dependents?

What is the tax rate for single no dependents?


who files a 1040-ez tax form?

If you are filing single, or joint, and have no dependents you can file a 1040-ex tax form. contains the form and includes additional information which you may find helpful.

How do I figure out which federal tax form is the right one to fill out?

If you are single with no dependents and no deductions then you can use the EZ form. If you are head of household with dependents and no deductions then use 1040A, Finally if you have lots of deductions with or without dependents or spouse you should use the 1040 which will allow you to itemize.

As a single person with 2 dependents and one job and no other source of income what tax return should you file?


How does the IRS view judgment of separate maintenance -- is the couple considered married filing jointly?

No. You may not filed a Married Filing Jointly return if you are legally separated and that decree has been finalized by the last day of the tax year. Your options are either Single or Head of Household, depending on if you have any dependents that would qualify you for a Head of Household filing status.

What is the AZ standard personal tax exemption amount?

Exemptions depend on a lot of things. In Arizona, tax brackets are based on your annual gross income (AGI) and on your filing status:If you filed asSingle, the standard personal exemption is $2,100.Married filing jointly, with no dependents: $4,200.Married filing jointly with at least one dependent: $6,300.Head of household, not married: $4,200.Head of household, married: $3,150*.Married, filing separately, no dependents: $2100*.Married, filing separately, with dependents: $3,150*.(*These numbers may vary if you fill out Arizona tax form 202.)If instead of exemption you mean standard deduction(rather than itemized), the Arizona standard deduction for 2015 taxes is $5,091 for single or married filing separately, or $10,173 for married filing jointly, or head of household.Please see the actual information on the Arizona tax forms for more information.

Income tax after a divorce. Joint or separate filing?

If you are legally separated or legally divorced on the last day of the year, you should file as single or head of household. You should NOT file as Married Filing Jointly or Married Filing Separately.

How do you fill out Form W-2 if you are single with no dependents?

Form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement) is filled out by the employer, not the employee. You're confusing it with Form W-4 (Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate), which you as an employee fill out. For Single with no dependents, you check the Single option in Box 3. In Box 5, "total number of allowances you are claiming," enter 1 for yourself. That tells your employer to withheld tax at the Single rate, with 1 exemption for yourself and no dependent exemptions.