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The amount of withheld federal income tax that is returned to you depends on a variety of factors. Your yearly income, marital status, number of dependents, and expenses are all used to calculate your tax return.

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Q: How much of your federal income tax withheld do you receive back in tax returns?
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Income tax withheld from each paycheckand sent to the state or federal government?

You do NOT have any amount that is withheld from your net take home paycheck after it is issued to you. The amount that is withheld is calculated on your gross earnings for the pay period and is a advance payment of your possible future income tax liability. After your income tax return is completed correctly and IF the amount that is withheld is more than your federal or state income liability then you will receive a refund of the over withheld amount.

Can federal taxes withheld be tax deductible?

You cannot deduct withheld federal taxes on your federal income tax return. There are some states that allow the deduction of withheld federal taxes on the state income tax return.

If a minor earns income does she have to report the income to the I R S?

Yes and if any federal income tax was withheld from the earned income the minor could possibly receive a refund of some of the withheld FIT amount IF the minor files a federal 1040 income tax return and it is completed and filled out correctly and signed by the minor.

I have Form 1099R in my posession, which Form do I need to file my information in order to receive my federal income taxes withheld?

I have Form 1099R in my posession, which form o I need to file my information in order to receive my federal income taxes with held?

What is the amount of federal income taxes withheld recorded as?


What is a form of W-2?

A form W-2 is the information form that you get from any employers that you had during a calendar year. You will receive one from each job you had during the year. The form shows your gross income as well as all taxes that were withheld from your income for social security tax, medicare tax, federal income tax, and any state and local income tax. The amount of income taxes withheld will be a credit against your income tax computed on your tax returns and you may get a refund if you had more withheld than you owed or you may owe additional taxes if you did not have enough withheld to cover the amount of your total tax due.

What is Income tax withheld from each paycheck and sent to state and federal government?

You do NOT have any amount withheld from your net take home paycheck after it is issued to you. The parts that are withheld from your gross wages, earnings before your net paycheck is issued to you is a prepayment of any possible state and federal income tax liability that you could have after your income tax return is completed correctly. If your income tax liability is less than the withheld amounts you will receive the over withheld amounts as a refund after you file your income tax return. You should get this information from your employer payroll department as they will be the one that would know how much FICA, federal income tax, state income, local taxes, etc they will have to withhold from your hourly pay or gross pay for the pay period.

Can you file the amount of money taken out of your paycheck on you tax returns?

No deduction on your income tax return for the withheld amounts from your paycheck. All of the information from the W-2 that you receive after the end of the year will show all of the different withheld amounts and is used in filing your income tax return correctly to the IRS.

What is a RL-1 form?

The RL-1 form is a tax slip used in Quebec, Canada to report employment income, deductions, and income tax withheld by an employer. It is used by employees to file their income tax returns with the provincial and federal government.

What is the smallest income you can have to get income tax?

Gross income $10. Taxable income -0- ZERO and IF $1 was withheld for federal income taxes and you completed your 1040 federal income tax return correctly and sent it to the correct IRS address and the IRS accepted your income tax return as you filed it you would receive the $1 amount as a refund.

Can medical bills be taken out of Federal Income tax returns in the state of South Carolina?

Yes and the state doesn't matter on federal income tax returns. Federal is federal and state is state.

What should I claim on my W-2 for pay check tax?

Form W-2 is Wage and Tax Statement. Employers are required to provide/send W-2 forms to their employees generally by January 31st. If January 31st falls on a weekend, the deadline is extended to the next business day.Refer to your W-2 forms in filling out your federal and state income tax returns. The total amount of federal income tax withheld is listed on Line 2 Federal Income Tax Withheld of Form W-2. The total amount of state income tax withheld is listed on Line 17 State Income Tax.Copy B To Be Filed with Employee's Federal Tax Return is attached to your federal income tax return. Copy 2 To Be Filed with Employee's State, City or Local Tax Department is attached to your state income tax return. If you file your returns electronically, you keep the state and federal copies of your W-2 forms with your other tax records.