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Brinks Inc. pays about $11.55 dollars per hour depending on the count room teller's level of experience. This amount varies depending on location as well.

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Q: How much does Brinks inc pay count room tellers?
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What is stragiht line method?

Straight line method is a way that use to reduce asset( such as home, car, computer) value in accounting system to balance profit in accounting aspect. For example if you buy a room for using in business, it did not fair to count that expend into the year that you bought it. If you do so it will show you lose a lot in business. So, to prevent that you can use several way to reduce that room cost year by year. It call depreciation in accounting method. Straight line method is one of the way to depreciate the asset. For example if the room is cost 1000$ and you will use the room for 10 year, after using 10 year you can sell with 100$. Then you have to (1000-100)/10. 100$ scrap value (ie. the value that you will get when you sell after using. So the answer is 90$, so you have to count 90$ per year as an expenses. Hope you will OK with this answer.

Is electricity a direct or indirect cost?

It depends on various situations, if electricity is utilizing in factory for producing units of product then it is direct cost as much time work continues in factory as much electricity requires, but if it is in office room which has not concern with factory environment then it is not direct cost

How much money can an individual person give another individual without being required to pay gift taxes or file a gift tax return?

In 2009 you can give: an unlimited amount to a US citizen spouse. $133,000 to a non-US citizen spouse. $13,000 to any other person. That is the total including all gifts given during the course of the year. There is no limit on gifts to charities or political organizations. Also tuition payments (not including room and board) and medical services payments made directly to an educational institution or medical services provider do not count against any limits.

Whats the overhead inside lining of a room?


What does BIR in room means?

built-in-robes or wardrobes

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How do i get the fire element in luigi's mansion?

If you know where the room with the fortune teller Madame Clairvoya is, then go there. Once you enter the room, there is a door to your right. go into that door. you will enter a room called the "mirror room." There is a giant mirror on the wall. You will have to fight ghosts that are actually invisible. Beat them by looking in the mirror to find out where they are.Once you've caught them all, open the huge red treasure chest that appeared. in it is a read coin. You've got the fire ability!!! now, use your new flamethrower to light the candles and escape the mirror room.

What does Jonathan sees in the count's room?

my bum

Do you count open lofts in square footage of homes?

you con only count square footage as the foot print a room has. that would be the part of a room you can walk on

Does an unfinished room count in total square footage?

No it does not...

Does a lounge-diner count as one room?

yes it does

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What are Jonathan harker thoughts after he discovers the count laying the table in the dinning room?

He realizes he and the Count are alone in the castle.

How do you get to the butlers room on luigi's mansion?

Basically all you have to do is A) get the fire medal and B) unlock the laundry room. to get the fire medal go into the fortune tellers room (next to the stairs to the basement) and go through the door on the right. Kill the invisible grabby ghosts and a chest appears. Open it, get the fire medal then walk up to the torch. Suck up the thing that comes out of it. Now using L light the candles. This unlocks the door into the fortune tellers room. Now light the candles in the fortune tellers room. This makes a key appear on the drapes. Suck it down and you have access to the laundry room.Now go to the bathroom corridor and you see a candlestick floating. Light the candles and the butler appears. Follow him, making sure not to get hit, through the laundry room door. He drops the key (or it might be you just follow him through the door quickly cant remember) and you go through the door (not the fake one) kill the butler and go into the secret room

How do you work out how many square meters are in a room?

look at the square and count

How many years would it take to count out 74 billion dollars?

Of course, it will depend on the denomination counted (I'm assuming all 1's) and the counting speed. Using very rough estimates that I just developed, I estimate that one could maintain a rate of between $120 in ones to $140 in ones, each minute. Experienced tellers can surely go much faster than that. but given these as rates, it would take between 1,004.9 years (at $140 per minute) and 1,172.5 years (at $120 per minute). At a rate of $200 per minute, it would take 703.5 years. None of these results would leave much time to enjoy any of it. But it's debt, not assets, right? Now, counting at $200 per minute, how many persons would have to be on the counting team to reach 74 billion dollars in 8 hours: 770,833 tellers, plus a third of another teller. Say 770,834 tellers, to give a little wiggle room.

Is the word study considered a non count noun or a count noun?

The word "study" can be both a count noun and a non-count noun. As a count noun, it refers to a particular room in a house designated for work or leisure. As a non-count noun, it describes the act of learning or researching a topic.

What is the code for the safe in Final Fantasy vii crisis core?

the code is different for each game.There are 4 rooms that are locked, but you can look into the peepholes.In each room, you have to count something and jot down the number.1) On the top level, go to the room with the books and count all the booksthat are NOT on the shelf. This includes the books on top of the case.2) On the bottom level is a room with floating pumpkins, count those.3) Also on the top level is a room with apples and cans. Count BOTH!4) Finally, on the bottom level, there is a room with chairs. Count!Once you have all 4 numbers, place them into the safe to open it up! what if you only have one chair? you just put down 1? dont you count the legs on the chair that you see? or no, its just the chair.? and the pumpkins keep moving and disappearing and reappearing. count them as soon as you look into the key hole?