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Q: How much do you get back if you claim head of household?
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How much money do you get bck for a child from taxes?

If you file head of household, you get back around $ 4,000.

If you have one child whom you claim and you are head of household and you make low enough that you don't have to pay taxes how much will you get back?

go to and use the tax estimator. it will ask for your income and dependants but no definite information. It will give you a estimate.

Your girlfriend and her child live with you Can you claim head of household and also the child?

over the house yes, over the child...maybe not so much.. specially if the child is not yours.

How much will you get back for two kids on twenty thousand yearly income?

All depending on how much you paid into taxes, if you file single head of household, around 6,000.00

Can you file head of household at seventeen have a child?

Yes, but unless you worked during the year it probably won't make much difference. If your parent worked, they can claim you and your child and get earned income credit.

What qualifies a person to be the head of household?

For tax purposes, the head of household is the person who brings in the most income.The qualification for HOH has nothing to do with how much someone had as income, but rather how much they paid, if anything.Head of HouseholdFiling as head of household has the following advantages.You can claim the standard deduction even if your spouse files a separate return and itemizes deductions.Your standard deduction is higher than is allowed if you claim a filing status of single or married filing separately.Your tax rate usually will be lower than it is if you claim a filing status of single or married filing separately.You may be able to claim certain credits (such as the dependent care credit and the earned income credit) you cannot claim if your filing status is married filing separately.Income limits that reduce your child tax credit, retirement savings contributions credit, itemized deductions, and the amount you can claim for exemptions will be higher than the income limits if you claim a filing status of married filing separately.Requirements. You may be able to file as head of household if you meet all the following requirements.You are unmarried or "considered unmarried" on the last day of the year.You paid more than half the cost of keeping up a home for the year.A "qualifying person" lived with you in the home for more than half the year (except for temporary absences, such as school). However, if the "qualifying person" is your dependent parent, he or she does not have to live with you

How much does welfare pay per child in Arizona?

I'm unsure but I know for an adult & child it's $275, you must be head of household.

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How many kWh in a month?

The question is not sufficiently specified: the answer will depend on what you are asking about. How much generated? How much used? In which country/region? Usage by individual/household/per head of population in a region?

How much money do you get back in taxes for being a college student?

There are other factors, such as how much you earned, whether someone can claim you as a dependent and how much money was withheld.

How much will you get back if you made 40000 and claim one kid?

depends on withholding percentage. roughly 3 grand

If You make 13 dollars per hour how much do you make per year?

40 hours per week *13 per hour * 52 weeks per year = Total of $27,040 Gross per year.Take out about $ 5408 (20%) or up to $6760 (25%) for taxes and you are left with a NET of $21,632.00 or $20,280 to live off of each year. It depends on your withholdings, claim 1 person (yourself) or 4 people or do you claim head of household.