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Q: How much do I get back for each dependent on your taxes?
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How much do you get back on taxes for claiming another person?

An individual claiming another individual as a dependent on their taxes will receive a tax deduction of $3300. The amount that the individual will get back as a tax refund will be dependent upon the income of the taxpayer.

How much money do you get back in taxes for being a college student?

There are other factors, such as how much you earned, whether someone can claim you as a dependent and how much money was withheld.

How much do you get back in taxes for children?

I have received 2,000 each to 2 of my children.

Married filing jointly claiming foster child on taxes how much for dependent?

Exemption amount for each ones exemption on the 1040 federal income tax return for the tax year 2009 was 3650 for each qualifying dependent.

How much claim your adult sister taxes?

Unless you totally support her and she is your dependent you can't claim her on your taxes.

How much is 350.00 plus taxes?

That is dependent on the rate of tax in question.

How much can someone get for claiming an adult dependent on taxes?

Of course, they must be a "qualified relative" before you can even hope to claim them. It depends on your specific tax situation, but each dependent is worth +/- $750 of additional refund.

How can Mexicans get so much money back on taxes?

How do you know how much money Mexicans get back on taxes? Is the question refer to Illegal Mexican workers? If so they are allowed to claim the additional child tax credit for each child.

How much do you get back for 2 children on your income tax?

It depends on how much you made for the year. It's between 600-1000 for each qualifying dependent.

How much will I get back in taxes from medical expenses?

You won't get money back in taxes, you will get to subtract your medical expenses from your taxes. This will lower the amount of taxes you pay.

How much tax dedution can you deduct for each dependent?

For each qualified dependent you may claim an exemption of $3,650.

How much credit you get for having 1 dependent for taxes?

You will NOT know how much credit you will receive for 1 dependent until your 1040 federal income tax return is completed correctly and completely.