

How make journal entry in Quick book?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: How make journal entry in Quick book?
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Matching in accounting means to make an entry in the journal?

Matching" in accounting means to make an entry in the journal

Do you make a journal entry for burden?

There are many different ways that you can make a journal entry for burden. You can for example explain how it has come into your life and affected you.

When you made sale is it compulsory to make journal entry?

Whenever any business transaction occur It is compulsory to make journal entry so this is true in case of sales as well.

What Journal entry do i make to record cash shortage?

Hi, There is no journal entry for cash shortage as you can never have money less than 0. However if the credit side of the ledger is more than the debit side of the Cash book, the entry passed is Cash/Bank A/C dr......To Bank Overdraft A/C.

How would you make a journal entry for a repurchased shares in a journal?

Debit treasury stockCredit cash / bank

What journal entry do you make to record product shortage?

a back order

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L/C related all journal entries

How do you make a journal entry for a goat purchased with cash?

debit goatCredit cash

What is journal entry tp make order?

There is no entry required when order is placed instead of entry is made when goods received or payment made in advance.

Why is the journal necessary in accounting?

Journal's are an important element in terms of accounting.It is said so because the journal records and shows the transactions made by the firm during a particular year.journal is the book where they record the primary and first handed entries.It is from this journal entries they make other entries in the book of ledger,trial balance..etc..If any entry in the journal goes wrong then the whole matter will go wrong.....All the best....keep gionging.....

What do you do with a difference on a bank reconciliation which cannot be identified?

Make a journal entry for it to match your books.