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Until you clear your debt and your good with the company. After that it will stay on there for about a year but will also have that you paid your money. If you havent paid your debt, then it will remain on your credit history.

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Q: How long will a bad account stay on credit history?
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How long do negative things stay on credit history?

Most negative items, such as late payments or collection accounts, can stay on your credit history for up to 7 years. Bankruptcies can remain for up to 10 years. It's important to work on improving your credit over time by making on-time payments and managing your debts responsibly.

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A debt will stay on your credit report for seven years after the date that you were originally delinquent on the account. After seven years, this debt is taken off of the account.

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7 years after the account is settled.

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Forever, since it looks good on your report.

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What record? The court's records are permanent.Added: And so is your credit history.

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An account is no longer reported after a period of 7 years of inactivity in the USA; 6 years in Canada.

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Ten years from the date of the discharge, not the date of the filing.

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Seven years begining six months after payment the account ended. Not when it was bought by a third party collector.