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It will not be removed for seven years from the date of the original delinquincy leading up to the Charge Off. If you need any more explanation, feel free to e-mail me or scroll up in the chain - this question was answered in an earlier question.

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Q: How long until a charge off is removed from your credit report and is it counted from the last activity?
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When is a charge off removed?

A charge off will stay on your credit report for 7 years unless removed by the original creditor or the credit bureaus. You can dispute a charge off with the credit bureaus and they must verify it with the original creditor with in 30 days or it must be removed from your credit report.

What is a Charge-off in a credit report?

A charged off account is similar to a collection on your credit report. The creditor has written off the debt owed and closed the account. The debt is still valid though and can be collected on. The charge off will lower your credit score unless removed. You can dispute a charge off and this give the credit bureaus 30 days to verify the charge off or it must be removed from your credit report.

How do charge offs affect your credit?

Charge offs will drastically lower your credit score, just like any negative item similar to collections, judgments, and liens. They will stay on your credit report for 7 years unless removed. The more money owed and the more recent the charge off the more it will lower your credit score. You can remove charge offs by disputing them to the credit bureaus. The credit bureaus have 30 days to verify the charge off or it must be removed from your credit report.

How do you get a paid charge off removed from your credit report?

Getting A Charge-off RemovedLook at the date of last activity, check the statue of limitation for your state, and if it's older then the statue of limitation dispute it. If not you will have to ride it out until it reaches the Statue of Limitation.

Can you remove charge offs from your credit report?

Yes, it's possible to have them removed if you dispute them.

How many years does it take for a charge-off to be removed from your credit file in California?

generally 7 yrs. You may get it removed sooner if you try disputing it w/ the credit bureau.

When are delinquent accounts removed from credit reports?

Typically they are removed 7.5 years from the date of last activity. There are some exceptions, but are handled on a case by case basis.

How do you remove charged off from your report?

Only the original creditor or the credit bureaus can remove a charge off from a credit report. You can negotiate to have them removed with the original creditor if they will let you. You can also dispute it to the credit bureaus and they will have 30 days to verify the listing or it must be removed from your credit report.

How long will a charge off take to come off credit reports?

A charge off should be removed from the credit report when the required seven years has expired. Credit bureaus are sometimes lax in their reporting, therefore the consumer should keep track of entries and if necessary contact the CRA, present the needed documentation and request any invalid information be removed.

Can charge offs be removed from a credit report because the person has a medical condition that prevents them from working?

No. Personal financial difficulties regardless of there nature is not a legitimate defense for not paying a debt or for having the negative entry removed from the credit report. You will notbe able to remove charge-offs from your credit report unless you can pay the entire balance in full and negotiate with the original creditor.

How do you remove charge offs from a credit report?

Charge-offs remain on your credit report for 7 years. If the account has been included in a bankruptcy, it should be marked as such...."included in bankruptcy". However, according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, if you dispute the charge-off with the credit bureau and the creditor can not verify the account, it must be removed from your credit report immediately. Only the original creditor or the credit bureaus can remove a charge off, either through negotiations or through the dispute process.

Can a charge off be removed due to paying off the debt in full?

A charge off CAN be removed in exchange for payment in full, if the creditor choses to do so. Their only obligation is report the correct nature of the account, which would be a "paid charge off". However, it is a good idea and practice to negotiate for removal of the tradeline. Credit reporting is a voluntary activity. There are no laws or regulations which require any business to participate. If a creditor does report, they are required by law to do so accurately.