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15 Months until it is "stale"

See Cheques Act 1986 Cth

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Q: How long is a cheque valid in Australia?
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How long is a cheque valid after date of issue?


How long is a cheque valid?

Until six months after it is dated

How long is premium bond cheque valid?

3 months

How long is a Irish cheque valid for?

6 Months from date of issue

How long is a uk cheque valid?

Until six months after it is dated

How long is check valued for?

A cheque is valid for a period of six months only.

No date on cheque?

A cheque issued without a date is not a valid instrument. You cannot cash a cheque that doesnt have a date on it.

What happens if the words and numbers differ on a cheque?

The cheque is not valid and should be returned for reissue

How long is a hsbc bank cheque valid for?

An HSBC bank Cheque is valid for a period of about six months but some banks require a check be cashed within ninety days of the issue date or else the funds go forfeited. Other banks may allow checks to be valid for years.

How many months a cheque of uco bank is valid?

Currently in India (As of 2013), all cheques are valid for a period of 3 months only. This rule is irrespective of the bank whose cheque is being used. So, a UCO bank cheque, an ICICI Bank cheque and an HDFC Bank cheque, all of them are valid only for 3 months from the date of issue.

Is a check valid if dated on a Sunday?

Yes. The date that is mentioned in a cheque signifies the date from which a cheque is valid. So, it does not matter if it is a Saturday or a Sunday or a public holiday. The only thing that matters is that, the cheque is valid only for 3 months from the date of issue. So, be sure to cash the cheque before the 3 month period otherwise it will become expired and is worthless.

How many months a cheque valid in India?

All cheques are valid for 6 month from date of Issue