

How long is a business check valid?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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forever unless otherwise specified on the check i.e. valid for 90 days

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Its valid for 90 days...

In Malaysia how long is a check valid?

six months

How long is a check valid for?

six months according to Indian law

How long is a personal check valid for?

It was 6 months. Check with any bank to be sure of the time limit.

How long is a personal check valid for Bank of America?

A personal check for the Bank of America is generally valid for at least thirty days. In many cases, these personal checks are valid for up to ninety days from the date of issue.

How long is check valued for?

A cheque is valid for a period of six months only.

Can a UK citizen with a US Business visa can you visit Canada?

Yes you can, as long as your passport is valid

Is it legal to cash a check made payable to a business?

Yes, as long as you are cashing the check on behalf of the business (as a legal representative of the business) or if you are depositing the check into the account held by the business you can legally cash the check. No - of you are not a representative of the business or if you are trying to deposit it into an account that doesn't belong to the business.

Cashing a business check without a bank account?

Your business needs to be registered in a state and you need to use your registration documents to open a business checking account. Banks do not cash checks made payable to a business because they have no way of knowing if you really have the authority to be cashing the check, ie if you own the business.

Is a check valid if endorsed by pencil at the bank?

No It won't be valid

Can you cash an inheritance check and still sue the executor?

Yes. You can sue as long as you have a valid complaint against the executor.

How long after you turn in an application do you check on it?

4-7 business days