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Q: How late may you pay your taxes?
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What if taxes are mailed one day late?

You may receive a bill from the IRS for failing to file and pay the taxes when they were due April 15 2010.

Does the estate pay taxes?

Estates pay taxes on income and may have to pay inheritance taxes.

What happens to you if you pay your taxes a week late?

you'd be charged with late fee, so don't be LATE

Do I have to pay taxes on my stock options?

Employees may or may not have to pay taxes on their stock options. According to Smart Money, employees have to pay taxes for stocks they choose to sell.

Can you go bankrupt on taxes?

do you have to pay tax late payments if you go bankrupt

Do you have to pay taxes?

You don't have to pay taxes if you don't want to, but you may be subject to fines and punishments depending on where you live.

Is it voluntary to pay income taxes?

No, it is mandatory. There is a federal income tax, and you are required to pay it when you file your taxes each April. Failure to do so could submit you to an audit from the Internal Revenue Service and you would undoubtedly have to pay late fees and penalties if it turns out you failed to pay your taxes in a timely fashion.

Is it illegal to pay taxes?

Au contraire! If you are responsible for paying taxes and do not, you may suffer the legal consequences.

If you deposit a cashiers check to a friends checking account do they pay taxes the money is mine and 5 figures?

If the money that is being deposited into the checking account is a gift, then they do not pay taxes. However, if this is a business transaction, then they may have to pay taxes.

What is a true statement of federal taxes?

That you will be required to pay those taxes out of income. You may get some of it back after filing your tax return ... or you may have to pay more, depending on your deductions and how much is taken out of your wages for each pay period.

Were there taxes in the late 1600s?

Yes there was taxes in the late 1600's

How is a Federal Tax Lien handled when there is no equity in the property?

If you do not pay your taxes and this tax lien doesn't result in enough to pay your back taxes, they will find some other way to get you to pay your taxes. Eventually, if you don't pay you may be arrested.Bad AnswerThe above is a comment and not an answer.