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Usually, once a company charges off a debt, they will send the unsavory transaction to the credit bureaus, lowering one's credit score.

Even if that individual pays the charge-off, the damage is done insomuch as the lender rarely sends an updated message indicating that the debt was paid.

If you paid the charge-off, you may dispute the transaction line (by having a note added to the line that states that the debt was paid on a particular date), however, you DID allow the debt to get charged off, so that line will only go away after seven (7) years.

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Q: How does paying off a charge off affect your credit?
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Will paying off charge offs results in a higher credit score?

Yes, your credit score will impove if you payoff charge offs, if the lender or collector reports the payment to the credit reporting agency.

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If you are paying a collection company, make sure before you pay anything, that you get a deletion letter. This is a letter stating that if you pay, the entry will be deleted off your credit report. Now, whether you are paying in full or settling, it has the same affect on your credit score--Paid collection or paid P&L or charge-off account. This will remain on your credit for 7 years. This is why it is important that you get a deleting letter. Source: Phil Turner, Credit Bible.

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Yes off course. Paying off any debts will increase your credit score.

Can I raise my credit score twenty points in thirty days by paying off all my listed charge-off accounts and paying down all my current credit cards?

Unlikely. It will probably take that long for your payments to be processed and balance changes relayed to the credit reporting bureaus.

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Where can I find financial advice on mortgages?

It will affect your credit score, but not in a negative way. Paying anything off early or making more than the minimum payment always has a positive affect on your credit score. However, first check with your mortgage company to make sure they will not penalize you for paying your loan off early, some companies will do this. (but that still wouldn't affect your credit score.)

Does paying off your auto loan affect your credit score?

Yes, for the better. Any loan that is paid on time or paid off is a plus.

How to fix auto loan charge off?

What do you mean by "fix" it? Do you want this taken off of your credit report? Was the loan legitimately charged off? Do you still owe a balance on the loan? If you have a legitimate charge off reported on your credit report, it cannot be legally removed. If you owe a balance and the charge off is recent, paying off the balance could help. However, the charge off will still show on your credit report for 7 years, and only time will remove it. Still, if you keep your credit in good shape otherwise, the charge off will hurt you less and less as time goes by. Read more about your credit report and score in the link below.

What is an Example of good credit?

Paying off all credit cards each month Paying off all credit cards each month

How does paid closed wriiten off affect your credit report or score?

paid charge off affects your report as it is negative information