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The Oxford Dictionary only lists adjuster. Merriam Webster lists both adjuster and adjustor. Microsoft Word spell check, which is probably the most influential source, accepts either.

The US Department of Labour uses adjuster.

It would be my conclusion that adjuster is by far the more common and accepted spelling.

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What is a claims adjuster used for?

A claims adjuster inspects claims of damages made after an accident. They are usually hired by an insurance company, but can also be hired privately. It is their job to figure out who is at fault, and how much damages should be rewarded.

What do loss adjusters do?

A loss adjuster usually works for an insurance company. Their job is to investigate the claims made and determine how much the company will pay out in compensation.

How much does an insurance adjuster make on average?

Insurance agents make money on a commission only basis. You get paid only when you make a sale. This means that you will not get a regular paycheck and cannot count on earning a certain amount of money to pay bills. On an average, you can expect to make about $50,000 a year.

How To Become A Claims Adjuster?

First of all, concentrate on obtaining your business degree, then you can decide which type of claims adjuster you'd like to be. Now find an insurance company that hires claims adjusters. If your state requires certification, many times they will pay for your to become certified. Even if they don't pay for it, you will still need to become certified before you start working on your own.

You were over paid by insurance company by mistake can they claim this money back?

Of course they can. If I was you I would go ahead and report this matter to the adjuster that you dealt with to see if it was incorrect or not. All claims will be audited by the insurance company and the claims department. Any mistake will be found out so you should be truthful. I know with the IRS if you are over paid and make any effort to keep the overpayment without reporting it you are committing fraud and will be prosecuted. That's the IRS.

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What does an adjuster do that would constitute transacting insurance in other words what does an adjuster do that arises out of the insurance contract?

an insurance adjuster is called to assess the damage to the covered vehicle for repairs

How do you say Adjuster in Spanish?

An adjuster is a regulador. If you are referring to an insurance adjuster, it is a liquidador de seguros.

Who sells insurance claims software for a claims adjuster?

Claims Portal sells insurance claims software for a claims adjuster. You can get Property and casualty insurance claim adjuster resources at

What does a insurance adjuster do?


What does an insurance adjuster do?

An insurance adjuster investigates insurance claims that are filed. They may accomplish this by interviewing the claimant and witnesses, talking to police, and inspecting the property damage.

What is the main job of an insurance adjuster?

The main job of an insurance claims adjuster is to evaluate and investigate insurance claims. They must begin by interviewing the claimant and witnesses.

How much does the position insurance adjuster pay in the auto repair field?

The position insurance adjuster pays about $45000 to $65000 in the auto repair field. You can read more at

Do you have to hire your insurance company's recommended adjuster?

Insurance companies investigating or handling a claim appoint an adjuster. I know of no instance where an insured or claimant would hire an insurance companies adjuster. If you disagree with the company adjusters valuation or handling of your claim, You are welcome to go out and hire your own public adjuster to get a second opinion.

What insurance jobs begin with the letter A?


What role does and insurance claims adjuster play in the insurance claim process?

An insurance claims adjuster is a worker that works with the client and the insurance agencies to find a point where both the client and the insurance agency can agree on a set price and rate for the client and insurance agency.

What do you do to become a public insurance adjuster in Massachusetts?

check with Mass. Dept. of Insurance

What are the job descriptions of public adjusters?

A public adjuster is an insurance claims adjuster advocating for the policy holder and negotiating the claimant's insurance claim. Public adjusters are licensed by the state's department of insurance