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Just because a debt doesn't show up on your credit report does not mean that you don't have to pay it. Pay what is due and get on with life.

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Q: How do you make creditors quit calling for repayment of debts that are not on your credit report?
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Related questions

How do you get your creditors list?

You can get a list of your creditors by checking your credit report. Most of all creditors will report to the agencies and will have a record.

Can creditors remove their accounts from your credit report?

no, it should stay on your credit report for life.

Example of investigative report?

One example of an investigative report is that which reveals the credit card debt repayment history of a person. A good repayment history may lead to higher credit ratings.

How often does your credit report update?

as often as your creditors report changes-can be daily

How often can your credit score increase?

Credit scores can increase or decrease monthly depending on when your creditors report items on your credit report. Typically creditors only report items to the credit bureau every two to three months, but if you make a late payment of 30 days or more delinquent they report monthly.

How often do creditors report to the credit bureaus?

Creditors may report any time there is activity on your account, if a credit report is pulled [for a credit application] or if payments are made late. Capital One may report every month whereas a smaller department store card may not report at all. It solely depends on the creditor on how often the credit report is updated.

How do you find the payoff amount for an old collection account?

Finding Payoff AmountsIf you are referring to "how to actually locate the company" who has the collection to obtain the payoff amount, I would suggest obtaining your credit report. Most of the time your credit report will have a list of creditors along with their phone number and/or address of creditor (if they are a "by mail only" type of creditor). I would suggest then calling them and state over the phone what you are trying to accomplish; you will be surprised how many creditors will either "settle" with you for a lower amount owed to clear the debt or set up a repayment plan for you. By selecting the repayment plan option you are also "reestablishing" a credit paying history which also can be reported to your credit report as a positive item for you. I hope this helps; this is what I suggest to and often time help my mortgage customers do. More tips from Wiki s Contributors:You must contact them. I have been through this myself.

Should you arrange a debt repayment plan?

In a debt replayment plan, you deposit money each month with a credit counseling service. Your deposits are used to pay your creditors according to a payment schedule developed by the counselor. As part of the repayment plan, you may have to agree not to apply for ? or use ? any additional credit while you're participating in the program. A successful repayment plan requires you to make regular, timely payments, and could take 48 months or longer to complete. Ask the credit counseling service for an estimate of the time it will take to complete the plan. Some credit counseling services charge little or nothing for managing the plan; others charge a monthly fee that could add up to a significant charge over time. Some credit counseling services are funded, in part, by contributions from creditors. While a debt repayment plan can eliminate much of the stress that comes from dealing with creditors and overdue bills, it does not mean you can forget about your debts. You still are responsible for paying any creditors whose debts are not included in the plan. You are responsible for reviewing monthly statements from your creditors to make sure your payments have been received. If your repayment plan depends on your creditors agreeing to lower or eliminate interest and finance charges, or waive late fees, you are responsible for making sure these concessions are reflected on your statements. A debt repayment plan does not erase your credit history. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, accurate information about your accounts can stay on your credit report for up to seven years. In addition, your creditors will continue to report information about accounts that are handled through a debt repayment plan. For example, creditors may report that an account is in financial counseling, that payments may have been late or missed altogether, or that there are write-offs or other concessions. A demonstrated pattern of timely payments will help you obtain credit in the future. Note that a debt repayment plan usually only covers unsecured debt. Auto loans and mortgages are considered secured debt, and may not be included. You must continue to make payments to these creditors directly. I have written more than a couple Hardship Letters for my credit card companies that have resulted in lowered interest rates, lowered payments and waived late fees.

What do you have to write in order for the credit breau to put positive credit on your report?

you don't write anything, it is your creditors who report the information weather it be positive or negative.

If you have not paid anything to creditors for ten years will your credit report start over new again?

Yes, if you have not had credit for 7 years or more, your credit report will show no activity.

Is it illegal to request someone elses credit report?

No. This is done all the time by creditors.

If you include your house in a bankruptcy chapter 7 how will this show on your credit report Will it show included in bankruptcy or as a separate foreclosure?

If your home loan is included in your bankruptcy, the code describing your repayment behavior on your credit report for this loan will change. If the bank forecloses on your home, the code describing your repayment behavior on your credit report for this loan will change. The loan will have one coded description of your repayment behavior. Credit Agencies only care about your repayment habits, not which mechanism cost you your home. There is no separate report. Your credit is going to be BAD for many years. Whether the house was part of the bankruptcy or whether it was taken in a foreclosure action will not matter (it's not like one is better than the other).