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If the credit pulls were not authorized, write a letter to each of the bureaus that are reporting the inquiries, and let them know that they were not authorized. Legally, they should remove this information from your credit report if it is inaccurately reporting. If you did authorize the credit pulls, then this information will likely stay on your credit report for 1-3 years.

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Q: How do you erase credit pulls?
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Related questions

Does pulling credit report multiple times count against you?

There are two types of inquiries. Soft pulls and hard pulls. Soft pulls are when you look at your own credit. They don't get counted as far as your credit score. However hard pulls are when you apply for credit. This can effect your score 2 - 5 point for each inquiry.

Why does your credit score vary depending on who pulls it?

Your credit score varies depending on the date and time, not by who pulls it. Different bureaus have different scores and they can change.

How to Erase foreclosure off credit report?

wait 7 years

What stores only do soft credit pulls?

If you're applying for credit, then they will all do a hard hit

Where can someone erase credit card debt without going into bankruptcy?

There is no legal way to erase credit card debt without filing for bankruptcy. If this was possible, then the inventor would be extremely rich, and no-one would have any debts.

If I want an online credit card, who can I see for credit score advice?

Yes the internet is one of the best ways to get everyday questions answered. When applying for a credit card your credit can suffer what is called "hard or soft pulls". This just means that when they are running your credit and trying to see if you qualify. Bigger credit cards often require the harder pulls. A website you might find helpful is It has most credit cards on there to chose from. It will ask you a few questions before suggesting a card that might be best for you. This will limit the pulls shown on your credit report.

Does it hurt your credit score when you have a credit report service that allows you to check your credit score as much as you want?

It only hurts your credit score when someone else pulls your credit report.

How do you erase magnetic information on a credit card?

Take a magnet, swipe it on the magnetic strip on the card.

What has the author Stanley R Stern written?

Stanley R. Stern has written: 'How to erase bad credit' -- subject(s): Consumer credit, Forms, Forms (Law)

What does RPI-LD mean on a credit report?

What RPI-LD on a credit report means is that a hard pull was done. Hard pulls are usually done when doing credit checks from landlords and such.

What does it mean when they say that your credit report is suppressed?

When you suppress your credit report, that means that anybody who pulls your credit report will get no information back. It will not even give the header that comes on the credit reports. So if you are looking to get some type of credit do not suppress your credit report.

If you file bankruptcy will it also erase a vehicle repossession on another person's credit report?

It doesn't erase anything on your own credit report....just adds to it, why would it change someone elses? It adds that you are a bankrupt as well as having missed payments and had a repossession. A credit report simply reports what happened in the past....what ever you do now does not change live with the history you created.