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Q: How do taxes affect the people?
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How did the American Revolution affect people?

It affected people because they had to pay taxes and it was going on where they lived.

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they take more and more money away from people with taxes

How can childcare vouchers affect your taxes?

Childcare vouchers can affect your taxes by making you pay more. You usually have to pay more taxes because the government is covering childcare for you.

What does taxes affect prices?


What ways did the black plague affect the economy of Europe?

People left/died so less people were paying taxes. Which made their economy go down.

Where to find the tax form 1040 for 2011?

Ask the people who handle your taxes. Ask the people who handle your taxes. Ask the people who handle your taxes. Ask the people who handle your taxes. Ask the people who handle your taxes.

How do taxes affect the US government?

it takes our money

How do government priorities affect government spending?


Taxes Obama compared with McCain?

Higher, higher taxes for richer people, lower taxes for poor people.

Can you avoid taxes on an inherited annuity?

No, in Australia, America and most of Europe there are certain taxes that affect inherited annuities.

How does immigration affect taxes in the US?

immigrants are hurting the economy

What was the virtual representation and how did it affect the colonies?

No taxes without representation