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No you cannot.

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Q: How can you collect on a check written to you from a closed account in Arizona?
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Collect on checks that are drawn on a closed accounts?

To collect on checks that are drawn on a closed account, you have to take the check-writer to small claims court and get a judgment. The check is considered a contract.

Can a company who closes your account try to collect interest three years after closing the account?

Yes, if you still owed a balance at the time the account was closed. Just because a company closes an account does not mean that any balances that are owed to them disappear. If your account was closed and there was still a balance outstanding and you did not pay that balance, the company has every right to collect the balance and any interest outstanding.

When is a bad chack a felony in Arizona?

When the value of the fraud exceeds the dollar limit between a misdemeanor offense and a felony offense. AND - when the bad check was knowingly (not accidentally) written on a closed or non-existent account.

What is a closed account permanently mean?

A account that has closed permanently is when a account has been closed forever basically.

Can you be charged a late fee on a closed credit card account?

They can try, but its illegal. Always keep written proof of your request to close your account, then they have no loegal grounds. A written statement of account closure they have to close your account by law

What does Account closed by consumer mean?

The wording "Account closed by consumer" means that "you", and not the lender, closed the account. It usually indicates that there was no problem on "your" behalf with the account.

Can you deposit a personal check into a bank account that is closed?

No, the account is closed.

Are criminal charges possible in Virginia for a bad check for security deposit?

If the check was knowingly written against a closed account or an account with insufficient funds, yes.

Can i delete my videos On YouTube after i closed my account?

If you closed your account, then your videos won't even be on youtube anymore. i closed it today .. and i was shocked to see my videos still on .. !! even my friend .. closed his account and the videos are still On !!

When was Closed on Account of Rabies created?

Closed on Account of Rabies was created on 1997-12-09.

What actors and actresses appeared in Account Closed - 1955?

The cast of Account Closed - 1955 includes: Dennis Price

Can a bank keep a direct deposit if account is closed?

No, they have to send it back to where it came from...that is, unless the closed account was negative.