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A risk base internal audit is latest approach to ensure best practices aiming at maximizing the impact of audit by focusing on the major strategy ,regulatory, financial and operation risk that confront an organization while internal audit is traditional independent examination of financial and operation of an organization to ensure economic,effective and efficiency utilization of an organizations resources

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Q: How Internal audit is different from Risk based internal audit?
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What is meant by audit trail?

audit is an evaluation of a person, organization, system, process, project or product .Audits are performed to ascertain the validity and reliability of information, and also provide an assessment of a system's internal control. The goal of an audit is to express an opinion on the person/organization/system etc. under evaluation based on work done on a test basis.Doing a trial process in audit to make it effective is audit trial.

The Challenge of Internal Audit Jobs?

Internal auditors have the responsibility of making sure that their company's financial records are in order. They evaluate the controls that govern the company's income and expense accounts to make certain they are sufficient. These accounts must meet company and government requirements. Company requirements are based on company policy; government requirements are drawn out through various laws and procedures. Internal auditors must assure that the controls are sufficient to eliminate error or fraud. They prepare the company's tax records for the government. Dealing with overall budgets, internal auditors have also become computer savvy with a handle over the various computer software packages that aid in organizing and reporting accounts. Internal auditors generally have no responsibilities for producing strategy based on accounts or company projections. Internal auditors in the United States become Certified Internal Auditors by passing the Institute of Internal Auditors four-part examination. The examination is based on such topics as risk and control, governance concepts, fraud elements, tools for audit engagement, financial accounting, information technology concepts, and competitive analysis and strategies. After passing the test, the internal auditor must decide in which one of four areas he or she would like to receive a certificate. One can qualify for the Certified Internal Auditor certificate; the Certified Government Auditing Professional certificate; the Certified Financial Services Auditor certificate or receive Certification in Control Self-Assessment. The IIA expects internal auditors to have bachelor degrees and to follow the IIA Code of Ethics. The IIA standards are promoted and recognized across the globe, and many international internal auditors obtain their certification to practice in their countries from the IIT. Internal auditors have a medium salary of $54,000. After experience, the upper levels of internal auditors command $94,100. The number of jobs is expected to increase by 22 percent through 2014. By obtaining an MBA in accounting, internal auditors can reach a much higher salary level. The MBA degree will give the auditor necessary skills to interpret and adapt new laws to their work. Internal auditors have privileged status positions. It is important that they have a good knowledge of the law to protect their access to and knowledge of sensitive and confidential information.

System based audit?

Systems Based Auditing (SBA) was developed during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Before SBA was invented the auditing methods in use were in the main reactive, a prime example is the infamous transaction testing audit method known as 'tick and turn'. Although SBA has been in use for over 40 years, there are still misconceptions about what SBA is. SBA is an audit methodology designed to check upon the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls in both financial and non-financial systems

Who must establish internal controls based on documented risk assessment?

Assessable Unit Manager

What is the relationship of internal transaction to the adjusting process?

Adjusting entries are not based on external transactions, they are corrections made internally to a set of books

Related questions

Can a audit be qualified based on internal control on financial reporting?

Can not answer this question - reword it.

What is considered the most well respected internal audit exam?

There is a great site that can tell you lots of information about the internal audit exam and how to prepare. You can visit this link: and is based on computer testing.

How does the legislation affect the internal audit process?

The two pieces of legislation that have probably had the greatest effect on internal audit are the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, which changed the reporting relationships and authority of internal audit and Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 which requires certain tests be performed on publicly traded companies. Both have changed the function of internal audit. Many other pieces of legislation also affect internal audit, some are industry specific some are more broad based.

What is an internal procedure involving groups or individuals who are based entirely within an organization?

Internal control

What is meant by audit trail?

audit is an evaluation of a person, organization, system, process, project or product .Audits are performed to ascertain the validity and reliability of information, and also provide an assessment of a system's internal control. The goal of an audit is to express an opinion on the person/organization/system etc. under evaluation based on work done on a test basis.Doing a trial process in audit to make it effective is audit trial.

What is a Audit Notice SW-1809 from PCH?

PCH is the abbreviation for Publisher's Clearing House which is a company that sells merchendise, magazine subscriptions and also runs a prize-based website. An audit notice may occur if you did not properly report the winnings to the Internal Revenue Service when filing your taxes.

Cost and benefits of internal audit?

Internal audit can be beneficial to most organizations because, if planned properly, it provides management with a methodology to identify those risks that may prevent the organization from meeting its objectives. For example, if a company has a strategic objective to raise $20 million in loans to build a new facility there are a number of risks that may prevent that from occurring. One risk may be the external factor of increased interest rates. Another risk may be internal risk that management does not qualify for credit because of covenants they will not be able to meet. Financial costs of internal audit will vary based upon the size and goal of the internal audit function. Additionally, the cost will be based upon the resources used to perform the work (outsource, co-source, in-house). The most significant non-financial cost may be a negative reputation of the internal audit role throughout the organization. If the function is not properly established, socialized and executed then the validity of the function could be jeopardized. Internal audit can be a value-add activity but often times it is strictly a policing function, which is sadly an example when the cost of internal audit usually does not exceed its benefit.

How much internal storage can you buy for your computer?

The amount of internal storage will vary based on your computer specs. It depends on multiple factors.

Can a story be only based on an internal conflict with no external conflict?

It can.

A phylum is based on what similarities between animals?

Internal Similarities.

Which piece of legislation is not based on financial internal controls?


Why is there a delay in re-starting a compressor that has kicked off an internal overload?

an internal overload is based off of heat.High heat=overload opens.Heat has to dissapate and motor cool to safe temp before internal contacts will close.