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Q: Does the primary Victoria secret account holder and authorized buyer receive separate cards?
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Can an authorized user remove the primary user and become the primary user?

Absolutely not. Most banks don't even allow the authorized user to get basic info from the account, such as balance or recent transactions.

If a person has been added as an authorized user in the past on a credit card and the primary card holder has requested they be removed as an authorized user will the account discontinue being reporte?


Can the primary account holder remove the name of the secondary holder?

Pay off the balance and close the account. Then reopen a new account with only the primary holder.

If your name was added to your parent's credit card can you have the account removed from your credit report?

Only if you did not authorize it. Then your parents would be charged with credit card fraud.If your parents added you to their account as an authorized user, you are not liable for any balance, whether you charged on the card or not. Authorized users generally did not enter into a legal agreement with the creditor. That agreement only extends to the account holder.However, it is customary and usual for these accounts to show on consumer's credit report. There are numerous lawsuits and class action suits contesting the practice. The bureaus continue to do this because their primary client, the credit card companies, benefit if a frustrated or confused authorized user pays the account.Your situation is different if you were added as a co-borrower to the account. Like the co-signer on a car loan, you would be liable for the full amount of the loan or account.If you dispute any information on this account with the credit bureaus it will be deleted from your credit report. The credit bureau must delete Any account in which you are only an authorized user once information is disputed. I have done this myself accidentally.

What does the reference code IRS get a primary tin analyze account and follow appropriate irm?

Anyone know how to get a primary tin analyze account??

Related questions

Can you be responsible for the primary user credit card charges even when you were removed from being an authorized user?

If you were only an authorized user and not a joint account holder, you should never be responsible for the primary account holder's debt.

If you are a authorized user on a credit card and the primary holder is not paying the bill can the authorized user be held responsible?

No. Authorized Users are NOT liable for the debt, only the PRIMARY on the account is liable.

If you are an authorized user on a credit card and the primary holder dies are you resonsible for the debt?

An authorized user on a credit card can be responsible on an account in which the primary card holder passes. The creditor looks at the situation as the authorized card holder was able to make purchases with the account, and should be held liable, even in the event of the primary's death.

Can an authorized user remove the primary user and become the primary user?

Absolutely not. Most banks don't even allow the authorized user to get basic info from the account, such as balance or recent transactions.

How does it apply to a authorized user on the account and the primary dies and the card is used after the death who is responsible for the debt even if the deceased has no monies in any estate?

The authorized users who had full access to the account are both equally responsible for the debts incurred. The secondary user most likely used the card before the primary became deceased ... just because the primary account holder dies does not dismiss the responsibility of the secondary account user.

If you are specified as an authorized user on a credit card account that is not a joint account can your credit score increase?

No, only the primary cardholder's credit score is affected.

If the primary card holder gives a friend a secondary card to use is the secondary user responsible for the dept or is the primary card holder solely responsible?

It depends if the secondary card holder is a "Joint Account Member" or a "Authorized User". The joint account member is responsible for the balance, the authorized user is not.

Can your credit score be effected when you remove yourself from a credit card as an authorized user If so what is the best way to remove yourself as an authorized user?

Your score will only be affected if the account is past due/derogatory. Otherwise you may see an increase in your score due to debt/income ratio becoming smaller. WHAT!?! to whomever answered this. An authorized user can use the account/card. They can also make payments to the account, but they are not required to make payments. These are the only things they can do. That being said, The Primary account holder is the responsible party. Anything that goes wrong or right with the account gets reported to the Primary's Credit and only the Primary's credit. Removing yourself as an authorized user, regardless of the status of the account, has NO effect on your credit score.

If a person has been added as an authorized user in the past on a credit card and the primary card holder has requested they be removed as an authorized user will the account discontinue being reporte?


How does the authorized users credit impact the primary users credit?

When adding an authorized user to your account, you are agreeing to any and all charges that person places on the account. If the authorized user chooses to abuse the account, such as making purchases beyond the amount that you are able to pay or by exceeding the limit of the card, the negative effects goes against the primary users credit. The authorized users credit is not affected at all and they are not responsible for payments. So be careful who you chose to add to your card.

If you are an authorized user on someone else's major credit card and the account isn't paid does it affect your credit as well?

It negatively affects both the primary and the authorized user credit score and report.

When asked must credit card companies remove you as an authorized user from an account even without the consent of the primary card-holder?

Credit card companies are usually responsive ONLY to the primary card holder. They generally will not speak to, or honor requests from authorized users.