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No, as they are the legal agent of the original Creditor and the arrangements made with the collection agency are binding on the original Creditor.

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Q: Do you still need to pay a company if you are paying a collection agency for the charged off debt?
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Can a collection agency Garnish if paying not full amount?


If you settle an old credit card debt with a collection agency paying the negotiated price in full will the collection agency remove the collection from your credit report?

No the collection will not be removed from the credit report. They will show it paid in full.

Will paying a charged off credit card debt to an outside collection agency help your credit rating?

No, not unless you pay the full required payments without default, which is the same as paying for the card normally. Once you default on a payment your credit rating starts to drop.

My account balance with American express has been turned over to a collection agency. Does American express over a reduced payoff as a settlement?

when a company "sells" a bad debt to a collection agency it is at a fraction of the total bill due. So, if you have a bad debt to American express in the amount of $10,000, more than likely it was sold to the collection agency for 2-3000. The remainder can be written off by American Express on the taxes that are filed by the company. What you can do is contact the collection agency after saving 40% of the debt (or 4000) and offer to negotiate a settlement. If you settle for $4000.00 you are saving $6000 and the collection agency is making 50-100% profit on the bad debt. This what the debt settlement companies do - no sense in paying the settlement company fees when we can negotiate ourselves.

What if a collection agency is trying to collect a debt that is in dispute?

Paying a collection agency may not be the best way to repair your credit or protect your privacy. There are situation that you may find your self in and have to pay a collection agency to to accomplish a short term goal such as buying or refinancing a home. If you are just in general collection agency hell then paying may do you more harm than good. While I would NEVER PAY A COLLECTION AGENCY. How you wish to handle your individual situation is a personal choice. If you do need to pay them off make sure you do it in a way to not cost you future heart ache and pain...

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Can a collection agency Garnish if paying not full amount?


How do you get rid of the money that you owe from collection agency without paying them and become good credit again?

how to get rid of the money that you owe from collection agency without paying them and become good credit again

Can you still talk to the credit card company directly for paying off an unpaid debt or do you have to talk to the debt collection company?

Once the debt. has been charged off and sold to a outside collection source you must talk to them.

Is a collection agency obligated to remove debt from your credit report?

No! The only obligation of the collection agency regarding a debt is to accurately report the debt...i.e. balance outstanding, current status, and payment history. However, if you are paying or contemplating paying a collection agency, it would be wise to negotiate a positive outcome...i.e. the total removal of the account from your credit profile in exchange for payment. This should be negotiated prior to paying the collection agency and the agreement should be in writing.

If you settle an old credit card debt with a collection agency paying the negotiated price in full will the collection agency remove the collection from your credit report?

No the collection will not be removed from the credit report. They will show it paid in full.

What is the difference between charge off and collection?

collection i believe is a company that sets you on a payment plan to make it easier for you to pay. charge off you will never beable to get credit it is paid off but you will never be able to get a loan To my knowledge, charge off means the business charged it off as a loss and collection means they are pursuing the person for the money or paying an agency to pursue the person for the money.

What is the usual action of credit card company's toward nonpaying creditors?

Well after 6 years of not paying a dime to household bank the account has been charged off and the collection company is sueing me.

How do you raise your credit score after paying a collection company?


Will paying a charged off credit card debt to an outside collection agency help your credit rating?

No, not unless you pay the full required payments without default, which is the same as paying for the card normally. Once you default on a payment your credit rating starts to drop.

Why does your credit report have chargeoffs when you have paid all the creditors off?

in most cases your original crediter, say sears, charged off your account and then turned it over to a collection company. the collection co bugged you and you paid the amount owed. in this way you did pay in full but prior to paying in full Sears charged it off as a bad debt. the collection company got 50 60% of the total amount you paid.

My account balance with American express has been turned over to a collection agency. Does American express over a reduced payoff as a settlement?

when a company "sells" a bad debt to a collection agency it is at a fraction of the total bill due. So, if you have a bad debt to American express in the amount of $10,000, more than likely it was sold to the collection agency for 2-3000. The remainder can be written off by American Express on the taxes that are filed by the company. What you can do is contact the collection agency after saving 40% of the debt (or 4000) and offer to negotiate a settlement. If you settle for $4000.00 you are saving $6000 and the collection agency is making 50-100% profit on the bad debt. This what the debt settlement companies do - no sense in paying the settlement company fees when we can negotiate ourselves.

What if a collection agency is trying to collect a debt that is in dispute?

Paying a collection agency may not be the best way to repair your credit or protect your privacy. There are situation that you may find your self in and have to pay a collection agency to to accomplish a short term goal such as buying or refinancing a home. If you are just in general collection agency hell then paying may do you more harm than good. While I would NEVER PAY A COLLECTION AGENCY. How you wish to handle your individual situation is a personal choice. If you do need to pay them off make sure you do it in a way to not cost you future heart ache and pain...