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If you have income, you are subject to taxes. In most cases a minor won't earn enough to trigger taxes, but you should check with whomever is counting you as a dependant and figure it out. You may very well be entitled to the return of any Federal Income or State Income taxes you paid.

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For various reasons many students find themselves unable to complete high school. Months, years, or even decades later difficulties finding gainful employment without a diploma lead many to seek a GED.The General Educational Testing Service underneath the American Council on Education offers a high school equivalency that acts in much the same way as a diploma.For the millions who have taken the GED, it is not just a test but a stepping stone to a better life, a better job, and a college education.

The GED, however, is more difficult that some test takers anticipate.With five sections including Writing, Social Studies, Science, Interpreting Literature and the arts, and Mathematics, the GED test taker must be well-rounded.Also test questions are not only multiple choice but are also in essay format.Many prospective test takers turn to GED classes to ensure they are adequately prepared for all of the challenges of the exam.

GED classes provide students aid in all five subjects, or, if a student has a particular weakness, intensified instruction in one area.One major benefit of these classes is the familiarity with the test format it provides students.Instructors familiarize students with examples of the multiple choice questions, as well as sample essays used in the Writing section and sample numerical or coordinate plane grids that are used in the Mathematics portion of the exam.

Though GED classes are not required they are often helpful, and many people can find free classes through local schools, colleges, and various community organizations.GED classes are also offered online allowing prospective test takers the privacy and convenience of preparing for the GED from home.

Aside from GED classes, prospective test takers may also look into free online GED practice tests and library resources such as GED guides which are widely available.Study and preparation take the stress out of almost any exam.For many test takers, GED classes and other GED resources increase both confidence and test performance.

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Q: Do you pay tax between the age of 16 and 18?
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What age do you have to be to get a tax file number?

I work for the IRS, you will need to be at the age of 16.

Can a 16 year old file income tax?

A sixteen year old can file income tax and, if the 16 year old had sufficient income, the 16 year old must file tax. There are no upper or lower age limits on income tax obligations. Even if the 16 year old didn't owe any tax, if taxes were withheld from the 16 year old's wages, the 16 year old should file in order to receive a refund.

When do you have to pay your income tax liability?

The dates your Estimated Tax Payments would be due is : April-15 June-16 September-15 January-15 of 2009 Your tax liability is due when you file your tax return and have a liability due with that return. IRS 1040 income tax returns are due on April 15 of each year for the previous year. The IRS requires that you pay what you owe from your tax return when you file. If you are self employed you are required to make estimated quarterly tax payments to help you pay your overall liablilty. If you have been caught short and owe a liability you can not pay, there are options for you. There are online resources that can help you with that.

Does a 16 year old need to file a tax return if he made 2500?

I'm 18 and i made only $3000 last year. I do not have to pay taxes. That i know for sure, so you're in the clear. I believe you don't need to file taxes unless you make $5700+ a year. Age is irrelevant.

Does a 16 year old file income tax in Canada?

Ones age does not determine if a person files taxes or not, what it matters is how much money the person made that year. What was the income of the person that year, is what determines the income tax filling status.

Related questions

What age do you have to be to get a tax file number?

I work for the IRS, you will need to be at the age of 16.

You are 16 and have 2 jobs do you have to pay tax at all?

you will only pay tax if your income is over £6,500 , so you can hold down two jobs and pay no tax at all , but only if you are not well paid.

Does a 16 year old pay tax on savings?

Anyone who is a 'taxpayer' in the UK has to pay tax on interest earned. If the 16 year old is in full-time employment or is earning other sums then they could be a taxpayer and not exempt from tax at source on interest.

How much does Mexico City pay for sales tax?

There are no state or local taxes. There is only one federal VAT (Value Added Tax) of 16% for all purchases. On duty-free establishments, you can avoid such tax altogether, or pay it and get a refund in the Mexico airport.

Can a 16 year old file income tax?

A sixteen year old can file income tax and, if the 16 year old had sufficient income, the 16 year old must file tax. There are no upper or lower age limits on income tax obligations. Even if the 16 year old didn't owe any tax, if taxes were withheld from the 16 year old's wages, the 16 year old should file in order to receive a refund.

Does a 16 year old schoolboy have to pay income tax on savingsa?

no unless you are an adult in your state and have a paying job

Does HR Block offer tax help to only individuals above a certain age?

Of course, you have to be of working age (16). You cannot be under 16. HR block helps people 16 and above. So yes, HR block only helps people above a certain age. (16).

Legal Age for job in France?

you can work from age 16, with reduced hours and hourly wages (-20%). At age 17, hours and pay are less (but still) reduced. The regular age when you can get a normal status for working hours and pay is 18.

Is driving at age 16 making money?

if you have a good job and can pay your own insurance and gas

At what age can a kid work?

kids can now start working at the ages of 16 with min pay

When do you have to pay your income tax liability?

The dates your Estimated Tax Payments would be due is : April-15 June-16 September-15 January-15 of 2009 Your tax liability is due when you file your tax return and have a liability due with that return. IRS 1040 income tax returns are due on April 15 of each year for the previous year. The IRS requires that you pay what you owe from your tax return when you file. If you are self employed you are required to make estimated quarterly tax payments to help you pay your overall liablilty. If you have been caught short and owe a liability you can not pay, there are options for you. There are online resources that can help you with that.

What is an age gap?

An age gap is a jump in years between numerous people. For instance "there is a 3 year age gap between me and my girlfriend because she is 16 and I am 19"