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When you are a self employed taxpayer you are required to report your gross income and expenses on your 1040 income tax return along with all of your other gross worldwide income

You will need to report that income, and any related expenses, on Form 1040, Schedule C, Profit or Loss from the Business operation, or you may qualify to use Form 1040, Schedule C-EZ, TO determine your Net Profit from the Business operation. You will also need to use the Form 1040, Schedule SE, Self Employment Tax form to compute and report your social security and Medicare tax on the net profit from the business operation.

For instructions and forms go to the IRS gov web site and use the search box for publication 334 Tax Guide for Small Business a very good place to start with examples

Publication 463 Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses

Use the search box at the IRS gov web site for Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center

Filing Season Central is your one stop assistance center for filing your business returns. This includes Highlights of Tax Law Changes, Tax Tips, and more.

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You need to claim your income as being self-employed

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If you made money on the rent you will need to claim it as income.

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There are expenses of home ownership that can be deducted on an income tax return. If you have no income to be taxed, you don't need any deductions.

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On your federal income taxes, you are allowed to claim a mortgage interest deduction for your principal residence and one other residence of your choice. It does not have to be in the same state. In addition, you are allowed to claim the interest on all rental or business properties.

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If it is income, in the form of forgiven loan or as a payment, then yes. If it is a gift, then no.

Is Google home income is this a legiimate home base company?

There is a review of Google Home Income located at :

Do less taxes get taken out of your pay check if you claim married?

Yes that is correct when you claim married less income tax will be withheld from your gross wages. You do NOT have any taxes withheld from your net take home amount that is on your paycheck.

Can your wife and you claim your elderly mother as a dependent on or federal income tax return?

yes, of she lived in your home and they paid more than half of her living expenses