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It depends on how involved your return is. Big companies like H&R Block have trained tax specialists (not CPAs) who can competently do your taxes for a bit less than a CPA. The rate varies, depending on whether you file a simple return or an itemized return, and the rate varies per location around the country. Expect to pay anywhere from $75-100 for a simple return, and upwards from $225 for a return that is more involved. Any tax preparer will give you a quote, so call around to research the options.

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Q: Do income tax services cost a lot of money?
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How much will you earn after tax with 10000 income?

a lot of money for a 15 year old

What kind of services offer monthly Credit card monitoring services?

You can find a cheap TY LA 1000 at any used car dealership in your area. They cost money but if you search you can find one cheap! It is not too hard to find them if you keep your head up. A lot of them.

When do you start paying income taxes?

There are no age (young or old), or start and stop times for income tax. It is all a matter of Taxable Income (not a matter of working - many people who don't work have or make a lot of money). it is entirely possible and not at all unusual that a newborn that inherits or is gifted money/property, income will have income from it as well as tax due on it.

A reason why a company reports a significant net income but may be burning huge amounts of cash?

Most companies use the accrual basis of accounting, which recognizes income when it is earned rather than when cash is received. A company could be entitled to a lot of money for services performed, but find itself unable to collect it due to delinquent accounts. If a company is unable to generate sufficient cash flow, it's going to go under pretty quickly no matter what sort of income its reporting.

What is the Simple Past Tense of cost?

Cost is one of a few verbs which have the same word for the verb, the past form and the past participle. verb = cost past = cost past participle = cost The books cost a lot of money. Last week the books cost less than this week. past simple sentence

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There are a lot of websites online that will help you find minimal cost for senior services. Try, they've help me save a lot of money for things like this.

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this means that it is their main source of income and that they have a lot of it

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Does it cost money to answer questions?

No it doesn't cost money to answer questions on, it is a fantastic little tool to use, i use it a lot