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Q.5 Differentiate Financial Accounting and Management accounting

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Q: Differentiate cost accounting system from financial accounting system?
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Differentiate the Financial Accounting from Cost Accounting and Management Accounting?

to know the financial position(i.e. profit or loss) and cost accounting to know the cost price of product of business and management accounting is to take the decision based on financial and cost accounting to prepare bugdget, analysis etc

What is the Difference between integrated and interlocking accounting system?

Integrated system is one which combines the cost accounting and financial accounting functions in one system of ledger accounts while an interlocking system has a cost ledger for the cost accounting function and a financial ledger for the financial accounting function.

Differentiate between cost accounting and financial accounting?

Cost accounting is usually involved with management accounting. Financial accounting tends to deal with the past and presents information like statements for public and private use. Management.the question am asking have not been answered .because financial accounting and cost accounting is not the same nor even having the same answer .

What is an accounting system?

The interlocking accounting is a system where the cost and financial accounts are maintained independently of each other, and in the cost account no attempt is made a aseparate record of the financial account transactiona

What is an interlocking accounting system?

The interlocking accounting is a system where the cost and financial accounts are maintained independently of each other, and in the cost account no attempt is made a aseparate record of the financial account transactiona

Compare and contrast between cost accounting and financial accounting?

compare and contrast cost accounting and financial accounting

What is a cost accounting system?

A cost accounting system is used to analyze various types of cost,. It is used to help people and companies determine what their future financial goals should be.

Why cost accounting is used instead of financial accounting?

cost accounting is used instead of financial accounting because cost accounting is used to determine the cost of the good produced

What are the difference between cost accounting and financial accounting?

Prime role of cost accounting is to calculate the cost per unit of product produce while financial accounting deals with financial reporting of company's performance.

How does cost accounting relates to management accounting and financial accounting?

cost accounting provides the basic information for both management and financial accounting.The similarities between government accounting and financial accounting is that both involves the balance of accounts.

What is the difference between cost accounting and financial accounting and what is the different between cost accounting and management accounting?

Cost accounting and managerial accounting are really the same thing. The key difference between managerial/cost and financial accounting is that managerial accounting information is aimed at helping managers within the organization make decisions. In contrast, financial accounting is aimed at providing information to parties outside the organization. cost is the amount of the expenditure. In cost accounting we can find cost of goods and services. financial accouts shows the profit and loss and balance sheet made during an accounting period, and also financial position of the business as on a particular date. cost accouting provides the management detailed information regarding cost of each product, services etc. Cost Accounting focuses on the costs of production and inventory valuations. Management Accounting produces internal financial reports and analysis prepared in such a way to assist managers in making decisions (such as expense reduction, capital investment, etc.). Financial Accounting produces financial reports in accordance with GAAP and legal guidelines and would generally be the format which is distributed externally for banks, investors, etc.

What is different between cost accounting and financial accout?

Cost accounting deals with calculating the per unit cost of unit of product while financial accounting deals with reporting of financial performance of the busines