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No, you cannot deposit a business check into a personal checking account. You can only deposit a check into an account that shares the same name, i.e. A check is made out to ABC company--it can only be deposited into an account that is titled ABC company. It cannot be deposited into a personal account--even if that is the personal account of the owner.

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Q: Can you deposit a business check to your personal account?
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Where can you cash a 33000.00 government check without a business account?

The only way to cash a check that large might be to take it to a bank and open a business account, or you may be able to deposit into a personal account. If it is for payment to a business, opening a business account might be your only choice.

Is it a crime to deposit a business check into a personal account?

No. If the check is sent to YOU and is for YOU it is OK to put it into YOUR account. It IS a crime if yous teal or take someone else check and put it into your account because that money does not belong to you.

Can you deposit a personal check into a bank account that is closed?

No, the account is closed.

Can you deposit a personal check into a business account?

Yes, but if you get caught you could spend over a year in jail, it's a felony.

Can you deposit a personal check into a business bank account?

Yes, but if you get caught you could spend over a year in jail, it's a felony.

How do you cash a personal check from someone else?

Deposit in your account or a check cashing place will do it for a fee

Can you deposit a check made out to your corporation in a personal account?

Yes if you are the sole stockholder

Is it possible to deposit a check made out to a club into a personal account the club does not have an EIN but has sponsors donating who write it to the club name for charitable tax reasons?

Most banks will require the account to be titled like the check is titled for a deposit involving a business. If the club has no EIN of its own the proprietor would need to secure a DBA - how to register one varies by state - and use the DBA paperwork to start a business checking account with that title in order to deposit the check.

Is it legal to cash a check made payable to a business?

Yes, as long as you are cashing the check on behalf of the business (as a legal representative of the business) or if you are depositing the check into the account held by the business you can legally cash the check. No - of you are not a representative of the business or if you are trying to deposit it into an account that doesn't belong to the business.

Can your spouse use your business account to deposit checks with his name on it as long as he has access to the account?

This depends on your bank's policies, however, generally a check must be titled like the account is titled to be deposited into that account or the payee and the account holder must both present the check for deposit to verify they each agree to the deposit.

When the owner issues a check to pay their bill known as a draw what happens?

As a business owner, you may be paid a salary, or you might take a draw as an owner. How you receive money from the business depends on the type of business. If you are an owner of a sole proprietor business, you can take a draw from the business for personal expenses. This draw is not a deductible business expense; it's just money you take from profits (assuming there are profits!) to pay personal bills. When you take a draw, you should write a check to yourself from the business checking account and deposit it in your personal checking account.

Can you deposit your girlfriends check into her account?

Yes, you can deposit your girl friends check into her account if:The check has her name as the payeeShe has endorsed the checkIf either of the above two is not done, then you cannot deposit the check into her account.