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Yes. It could be written off as business expenses before the debt was collected and adjusted on tax forms afterwards. It really depends on if it was reported as a loss or an expenditure attributed to business dealings. A prudent person would probably leave it as a business expense write off, to avoid the possibility of haggling with the IRS.

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Q: Can you be sued as an authorized user by primary card holder after he has written off credit card charges as business expense on his tax return?
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Is rent expense an other expense?

If rent is paid for any activity which is directly related with the primary business activity then rent is not other expense, but if rent is paid for activity which is not directly related to primary business activity then it is other expense.

If an authorized user on a credit card transfered balances to that card and the primary user of the card files for chapter 7 will the authorized user still have to pay or will the debt be fully wiped?

I'm trying to follow what your really saying: Presumably there is a "primary" ...that would be the one who applied for the credit and signed the agreements to pay the charges. That person requested a card for another person to use, under the primaries credit agreement, and agreed to be responsible for the charges that person made...the credit card company went along with this request...but it was NOT extending any credit, or even had any type of agreement with this other authorized signer. All charges by that person are the responsibility of the primary...the debt from using the card is not to the second (authorized) person...and any debt (if there is one you can prove), would be by the authorized user to the primary...if they had an agreement that the authorized would pay for any use. The primary would be a creditor of the authorized in that bankruptcy. The credit card company isn't a part of it...the debt remains with the primary...regardless of any payment or not he gets from the authorized party or their bankrutcy. And alternatively, if the authorized person made charges and the primary goes BK, that charges are part of the primaries BK, (and may be discharged). Again, if there is an agreement that the authorized would pay those charges, that "receivable" or asset to the Primary must be reported as such in his BK filing.

Can you be responsible for the primary user credit card charges even when you were removed from being an authorized user?

If you were only an authorized user and not a joint account holder, you should never be responsible for the primary account holder's debt.

Use of credit card after primary holders death?

If a credit card is used by an individual authorized to use the account and that person was not aware the primary acct holder was deceased when the card was used, the card company will probably include the charges in the final bill submitted to the estate rep. If death was known they will hold the authorised user responsible for the charges. If the user was not authorized and knew about the death of the holder it was fraud and criminal charges should be filed.

If you are a authorized user on a credit card and the primary holder is not paying the bill can the authorized user be held responsible?

No. Authorized Users are NOT liable for the debt, only the PRIMARY on the account is liable.

How does the authorized users credit impact the primary users credit?

When adding an authorized user to your account, you are agreeing to any and all charges that person places on the account. If the authorized user chooses to abuse the account, such as making purchases beyond the amount that you are able to pay or by exceeding the limit of the card, the negative effects goes against the primary users credit. The authorized users credit is not affected at all and they are not responsible for payments. So be careful who you chose to add to your card.

Business partner is authorized user on credit card and business is dissolving does the primary card holder own what was purchased by authorized user?

Ownership is an issue not covered by credit laws. There may be other statutes that deal with this issue. "Possession is nine tenths of the law" comes to mind. Creditors are only concerned with the money due them. An authorized user does not qualify as a "debtor" under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and therefore never has liability. The primary card holder would have liability regardless of who purchased the items/services and who has "ownership".

Is an authorized user responsible for payments on Bank of America credit card even though they never used the card or had that card activated?

Authorized users are not responsible for repaying cc charges. Unless they are a spouse of the account holder and live in a community property state. I work at a credit card company and an authorized user is just someone who is able to make charges on the account. The primary cardholderand/or the joint cardholder would be the one responsible for the bill. The payment history may be reported to your credit bureau though. That does happen with some companies.

If you are an authorized user on a credit card and the primary holder dies are you resonsible for the debt?

An authorized user on a credit card can be responsible on an account in which the primary card holder passes. The creditor looks at the situation as the authorized card holder was able to make purchases with the account, and should be held liable, even in the event of the primary's death.

Can an authorized user remove the primary user and become the primary user?

Absolutely not. Most banks don't even allow the authorized user to get basic info from the account, such as balance or recent transactions.

If the primary cardholder is deceased and the authorized user is no relation and not responsible for debt will this affect the authorized user's credit if it is not paid?

AN authorized user cannot be held responsible for a primary holder's debt in any case. Only a joint holder can be liable for the debt. YES OF COURSE

Is a florist a primary business?

Yes florist is the primary business.