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Yes - a dependant - is anyone who relies on another person to provide them with food and shelter.

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Q: Can you be claimed as a dependent if you are not related?
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Related questions

How much can a dependent earn before no longer being claimed as a dependent?

Generally if the dependent has gross income of $3,950 or more for 2014, they cannot be claimed as a dependent.

Who claimed you as a dependent?

My Parents did.

Can a dependent earn too much to be claimed on your tax return?

A "dependent" who supports themselves isn't really your dependent, and therefore can't be claimed as one.

Can an aunt claim a child on taxes that she doesn't support?

No. A niece or nephew cannot be claimed as a dependent unless the aunt is their legal guardian.No. A niece or nephew cannot be claimed as a dependent unless the aunt is their legal guardian.No. A niece or nephew cannot be claimed as a dependent unless the aunt is their legal guardian.No. A niece or nephew cannot be claimed as a dependent unless the aunt is their legal guardian.

How long can I be claimed as a dependent on my parents tax returns?

Dependent on tax teturns

Can you file your son as a dependent if your mother filed you as a dependent?

You cannot claim any dependents if you can legitimately be claimed as a dependent by someone else. So if your mother legitimately claimed you, you cannot claim your son. But you should check the rules for claiming a dependent to see if your mother could also have claimed your son.

What happens if you claimed yourself and your parent claimed you as a dependent on taxes?

you will have to pay your own taxes not your parents.

How do you prove the dependent should be claimed by you?

by calling a lawyer and asking

Can a parent be a legal dependent?

If you are responsible for more than 50% of their support, they are a dependent and can be claimed on your income tax as such.

Can you claim your food shopping for the year on your income tax return?

That depends on what it is for. Meal and expense for business related activities are tax deductible. If they are not, they are not tax deductabile. But if you have a dependent, the amount paid for care (food included) are use to determine if the dependent is eligible to be claimed.

Can someone who receives food stamps be claimed as a dependent on your taxes?

yes they can

When applying for a student loan are you an independent since your grandmother claimed you on taxes?

If you were claimed by your grandmother on her income taxes that would classify you as a dependent.