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Authorized capital is the maximum amount company can raise so paid up capital cannot be more than authorized capital

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Q: Can paid up capital greater than a companies authorised capital?
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When calculating Earnings per share do you subtract or add authorized shares?

Authorised shares are not used in earning per share rather paid up share capital or paid up shares are used authorised shares are the maximum number of shares which a company can issue so if authorised and subscribed and paid up capital is same then authorised capital will be used.

How you calculate the paid up capital?

The paid up capital = Number of authorised shares x nominal value per share

What is the difference between paid-in capital and paid-up capital?

The Authorised Capital is the amount of capital which a limited company COULD issue.(10,000 shares of £1 each) Paid up capital is the amount actually issued.(2842 shares of £1 each fully paid)

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They typically advise companies on how to raise capital and buy or sell companies. They are in essence very well paid strategic consultants to management teams at companies.

Are Paid-Up Capital and paid - in capital the same?


What are Shares and its types?

A share is a single unit of ownership in a corporation, mutual fund, or any other organization.[1] A joint stock company divides its capital into shares, which are offered for sale to raise capital, termed as issuing shares. Thus, a share is an indivisible unit of capital, expressing the proprietary relationship between the company and the shareholder. The denominated value of a share is its face value: the total capital of a company is divided into a number of shares.· Authorised share capital is also referred to, at times, as registered capital. It is the total of the share capital which a limited company is allowed (authorised) to issue. It presents the upper boundary for the actually issued share capital.· Shares authorised = Shares issued + Shares unissued· Issued share capital is the total of the share capital issued (allocated) to shareholders. This may be less or equal to the authorised capital.· Shares outstanding are those issued shares which are not treasury shares. These are all the shares held by the investors in the company.[2]· Treasury shares are those issued shares which are held by the issuing company itself, the usual result of a buyback.· Shares issued = Shares outstanding + Treasury sharesIssued capital can be subdivided in another way, examining whether it has been paid for by investors:· Subscribed capital is the portion of the issued capital, which has been subscribed by all the investors including the public. This may be less than the issued share capital as there may be capital for which no applications have been received yet ("unsubscribed capital").· Called up share capital is the total amount of issued capital for which the shareholders are required to pay. This may be less than the subscribed capital as the company may ask shareholders to pay by instalments.· Paid up share capital is the amount of share capital paid by the shareholders. This may be less than the called up capital as payments may be in instalments ("calls-in-arrears")

Where can one find a list of venture capital companies?

Entrepreneur offers a free list of some venture capital firms. The site, Grow Think University offers a list of venture capital companies for paid membership. You can create your own list by finding individual companies nearest you or that have interest in your type of investment opportunity.

How do you calculate paid-up capital?

The actual term is 'paid in' capital It is the capital paid in by shareholders to the co above and beyond shared capital.

How do you calculate paid up capital?

The actual term is 'paid in' capital It is the capital paid in by shareholders to the co above and beyond shared capital.

Where does additional paid in capital belong in the elements of financial statements?

Additional paid in capital is also part of paid in capital of business and shown as an addition to already exists paid in capital of business.

What is paid-up-capital?

Paid-up capital means the total amount which is actually paid to the company.

How are Dividends are paid out of profits?

Yes. companies pay out dividends to its share holders from the profit they make out of their business. The more the profit the company makes the greater would be the dividends paid out to the shareholders.