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Why Worry About Your Credit Score. So Much Fuss ! You Should Dispute A Error On Any Report. And I`m Sure It Would Not Affect Your Score By Doing So.

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Q: Can disputing an item on your credit report hurt your score?
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How does a company running a credit report hurt your credit score?

Too many inquires on your credit report can hurt your score since it may appear that you are applying for too much credit at once.

Does it hurt your credit score when you have a credit report service that allows you to check your credit score as much as you want?

It only hurts your credit score when someone else pulls your credit report.

Do medical bills on credit report hurt credit score?

yes they do, they impact your score greatly

If you close a checking account wll it hurt your credit score?

Checking accounts are not normally reflected on a credit report.

Does credit card consolidation show up on my credit report?

Yes, credit card consolidation will affect your credit score. It will show on your credit report for at least five years, it doesn't hurt as bad as bankruptcy however.

How many points on credit report is taken by a charge off?

A charge-off can hurt your credit score anywhere from 20-120 points.

Will a balance transfer hurt your credit report?

So long as you pay your bills on time, your credit score shouldn't change. Paying down the debt will, of course, help increase your score.

When paying off a credit card does it hurt to do a settlement exception?

Yes, they will note on your report that this debt was "settled" This does not affect credit score but will catch the eye of any lenders looking at your report.

Does applying for new credit cards hurt your score?

Every time you apply for credit and a creditor pulls a report it hurts your FICO score. The rule is to have no more then 6 inquiries on your credit report with in six months. They say a hard inquiry pulls your score down 3-5 points. There are 2 different inquiries hard and soft. A soft inquiry is when you pull your report or a creditor you already have pulls it to make sure you still have a good profile. The hard inquiries are the ones that hurt your score. It means that you are applying for credit.

Does it hurt your credit if a credit card company closes your acouunt because you aren't using the credit card?

No. It will show on a credit report as an account closed due to inactivity. It has no effect on your credit score.

Does bankruptsy hurt your credit score?

OF Course it does! IF you just got bankrupt it does hurt your credit score really badly!

Is there a negative impact to your credit score if you request a credit report?

Ok when you check your credit score there is a negative impact, but it is so small that it really won't lower your score at all. If it lowered your score that much everyone would have bad credit considering all the places that check your credit throughout the year. So it is okay to check your credit, it will not hurt it.