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There are no laws that would disallow one from showing up at your work, however its more common for a repossession agent which is not considered a "debt collector"

I would say that if a "debt collector" showed up at your job, they would still be required to the restrictions under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, unless this was a debt owned by a business, which would not allow them to:

  1. Use any form of badge or attempt to appear as a law enforcement or government agent.
  2. Clothing could not include anything that would idenitfy them as a "collector"
  3. Would not be allowed to identify himself to your employer or other employees as a "collector" or there to "collect" a debt
  4. Must not have acted in any manner that you considered to be threatening
  5. Is not permitted to carry a weapon, even if they have a license to carry one.

So if he showed up looking like Dog the Bill Hunter then I would have called the police and then a FDCPA attorney.

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1099-C disputed credit card charges?

Form 1099-C is issued when an amount of debt of at least $600 is forgiven. This means that the debt collector understands that you owe the debt but is willing to accept a negotiated amount as part of a settlement. If the amount was disputed and removed through no fault of your own, then a 1099-C should not have been issued. You must generally clear this up with the debt collector and provide proof to the Internal Revenue Service if necessary.

If you settled a debt for less than the full amount and received a 1099-C for the rest of the debt how should this appear on your credit report?

AnswerIt will show up as a charged off debt for that creditor, but they may sell the debt to another entity and start collections against you for the debt weather you put it on your taxes or not is irrelevant. However, if you do pay the debt later, you can claim the payoff as a writeoff the same as you did it initially on the taxes but in reverse. Now its a debt if you can claim the debt as a liquidated assest.

Do you have to pay a charge off account from 7 years ago?

As a debt collector, I would say, "wouldn't you want to pay your bills?" However, a debt that is 7 years old is generally out of its legal statues, so they could not sue you to collect, nor would it be legal for them to make threats of suing you. If they make that mistake, the could end up having to pay you!

If a collection account was sold to another collection agency is it correct that they should both show up on your credit report as late payments?

When a collection agency sells your debt they no longer have any claim to your debt. It's like selling a car, once it is gone it is gone.

What are some steps to clean up your credit?

There are different ways to clean up one's credit. You can contact your creditors to see if they will work with you to lower your payments. You can also sign up with any of the debt consolitations you see on TV or in the paper.

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Collector effect credit report?

if you owe bank and is in the processes of paying them back but they have not yet sent a notice to the collector debt. Does it show up on your credit report

Can an employer ask an employee's debt collector to stop calling?

Yes. In fact, it is a violation of the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act for a debt collector to contact you at work if your employer disapproves and they are informed of this fact by you or your employer. You or the employee can tell the debt collector to stop. Simply interrupt him and say, "This is my work number. Do not call me here again." And then hang up. 99% of the time, that will take care of it.

Can a debt collector garnish your wage without letting you know first?

No. You should receive a letter in the mail/ a summons to court. If u don't show up you will not know about the judges decisions. Show up and tell the judge why you could not pay.

Will college debt consolidation show up negatively on my credit?

If you have a lot of debt on your credit from college and are doing college debt consolodation it doesnt mess your credit up, it helps you get your credit back , they work with you to help you .

Can a debt collector change the date of last activity on an account that was discharged in bankruptcy?

The debt collector cannot change the date of anything, legally. If the account was discharged in bankruptcy, everything up to the filing date is not owed any longer.

Statute of limitations has expired on a loan but you are still getting calls and threats at work?

A debt collector should not be contacting you at work if they have been told not to.Statute of limitations vary by states.Debt collectos do not care if the statute has expired. You could send the collector a certified letter requet a receipt and they may stop ,as they know this can hold up in court.

How many times can a bill collector sell a debt?

They can legally sell a debt as many times as they want. Sometimes it ends up in two collection offices at the same time.

What Does it Take to Be a Debt Collector?

A debt collector goes by many names. Some are called recovery agents while others are known as collection assistants. Whatever their title, their job duties are remarkable similar. They are tasked with collecting outstanding debts from the general public, businesses or corporations.What Does a Debt Collector Job Entail?A debt collector is responsible for managing outstanding debts. Debt collectors can be employed by a variety of businesses. Their primary goal is to get people who owe money to the company to pay up. This can be difficult.A large amount of a debt collector's day is spent on the phone. They call debtors and attempt to arrange repayment schedules. When debtors cannot be found or refuse to pay, a debt collector may need to take more drastic measures. This can include filing a small claims suit against the debtor. Debt collectors can oversee wage garnishments, tax refund offsets or bank account seizures.What Do Debt Collectors Earn?Debt collectors are often paid a wage plus a commission for each account they settle. The starting salary for a debt collector averages $13 an hour. The commission and incentive rates vary from company to company. A highly successful commissioned senior debt collector could make as much as $50 an hour with the commission factored in to the hourly wage.What Qualifications Should a Debt Collector Possess?Qualifications vary widely depending on the type of debt being collected. Most collection companies require employees to have at least a bachelor's degree, generally in business management or finance. As the employee's job responsibilities grow, they are expected to continue their education in order to perform their duties.Because a debt collector often deals with sensitive client information, nearly all debt collection agencies require their employees to pass a background check. Many also insist that workers have fairly good credit.A debt collector needs to have a thick skin in order to succeed in the field. Clients can feel threatened and become verbally abusive when contacted about an outstanding debt. Debt collection is a difficult job, but the pay can be incredibly rewarding for those who succeed.

1099-C disputed credit card charges?

Form 1099-C is issued when an amount of debt of at least $600 is forgiven. This means that the debt collector understands that you owe the debt but is willing to accept a negotiated amount as part of a settlement. If the amount was disputed and removed through no fault of your own, then a 1099-C should not have been issued. You must generally clear this up with the debt collector and provide proof to the Internal Revenue Service if necessary.

What are some services that debt settlement companies offer?

Debt settlement companies offer services to help people in debt easily pay off their debt. They work with you and those that you have debt with to come up with a solution.

Can a company that purchased your charged off account from the original lender file a suit against you?

YES, they purchased a debt contract. The original creditor does not forgive / eliminate a debt by selling it to a collector -- they simply gave-up on collecting a worthwhile settlement from you.

Settle Your Debt?

form_title=Settle Your Debt form_header=Work with your creditors to consolidate and set up a debt repayment plan. What is the total amount of debt you owe?=_ Do you own your home? = () Yes () No Have you ever filed bankruptcy?= () Yes () No