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I am not a lawyer, but I have looked at some of the consumer protection laws relating to credit cards, and I didn't see anything that says that they have to give a credit card to someone who refuses to allow the bank to contact them. They want some kind of phone number they can contact you on, and unless you default, they probably won't call you.

You can opt out of phone solicitations usually, but that is not the same as refusing to allow them to call you at all.

Think about it this way. If you loaned someone money, you probably would want to know you can call them. Well, the bank feels the same way. They are loaning you money and want to be able to call you.

I know that I would refuse to loan someone money if they refused to allow me to call them. ---- Who says they have to call your cell phone? There are house phones! So you think that if you ask not to have your cell phone called that its OK for them to just close an account? Come on, we live in a day and age wher everyone has about 5 numbers where they can be reached. Not to mention this is an active account that had a balance, so its not like we are talking about new money!

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Q: Can a bank legally close an active and frequently used credit card account because the customer requested not to receive phone calls from the bank on their cell phone?
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What does mean writing off an account?

Canceling the balance of a customer account because the customer does not pay is called writing off an account.

Is receiving payment from account customer a liability?

Because money is being received from customer we are not owing.

Why is there an account number on a utility bill?

Because utility services are set up as a customer account.

What is the difference in a checking account and a saving account?

A checking account is one in which you keep a certain amount of money and use it for your regular day to day transactions. For ex: to pay your phone bill, to pay for your groceries etc. Banks usually do not give you a significant interest on your deposit in this account because of the liquid nature of the account and because you can withdraw your funds anytime you want. A savings account is one in which customers save their monthly savings and they are not like the current account. Though the money is available at any time for the customer to withdraw, money is not as frequently deposited/withdrawn from it like the current account. Hence banks offer a meager interest rate for the money held in this account.

What is on differences between a checking account and a saving account?

A checking account is one in which you keep a certain amount of money and use it for your regular day to day transactions. For ex: to pay your phone bill, to pay for your groceries etc. Banks usually do not give you a significant interest on your deposit in this account because of the liquid nature of the account and because you can withdraw your funds anytime you want. A savings account is one in which customers save their monthly savings and they are not like the current account. Though the money is available at any time for the customer to withdraw, money is not as frequently deposited/withdrawn from it like the current account. Hence banks offer a meager interest rate for the money held in this account.

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What does mean writing off an account?

Canceling the balance of a customer account because the customer does not pay is called writing off an account.

Is receiving payment from account customer a liability?

Because money is being received from customer we are not owing.

Why is there an account number on a utility bill?

Because utility services are set up as a customer account.

Is checking account statement mandatory?

Yes. It is mandatory. The bank is supposed to send a periodic statement to its customer to ensure that the customer can keep track of what is happening in their bank account. However, if it is a passbook account, an account where the bank issues a passbook for the account, sending statements is not mandatory because the customer already has a book that contains those details.

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This means that a check you took from a customer could not be deposited into your account because they did not have the money to cover their check. The bank deducted the amount of the check from your account.

How does money grow in a savings account?

A savings account is one in which customers save their monthly savings and they are not like the current account. Though the money is available at any time for the customer to withdraw, money is not as frequently deposited/withdrawn from it like the current account. Hence banks offer a meager interest rate for the money held in this account. Money grows in a savings account because: a. The account holder usually makes small deposits regularly into the account b. The money in the account earns a small interest and hence keeps growing in value

What is the difference in a checking account and a saving account?

A checking account is one in which you keep a certain amount of money and use it for your regular day to day transactions. For ex: to pay your phone bill, to pay for your groceries etc. Banks usually do not give you a significant interest on your deposit in this account because of the liquid nature of the account and because you can withdraw your funds anytime you want. A savings account is one in which customers save their monthly savings and they are not like the current account. Though the money is available at any time for the customer to withdraw, money is not as frequently deposited/withdrawn from it like the current account. Hence banks offer a meager interest rate for the money held in this account.

What is on differences between a checking account and a saving account?

A checking account is one in which you keep a certain amount of money and use it for your regular day to day transactions. For ex: to pay your phone bill, to pay for your groceries etc. Banks usually do not give you a significant interest on your deposit in this account because of the liquid nature of the account and because you can withdraw your funds anytime you want. A savings account is one in which customers save their monthly savings and they are not like the current account. Though the money is available at any time for the customer to withdraw, money is not as frequently deposited/withdrawn from it like the current account. Hence banks offer a meager interest rate for the money held in this account.

What are examples of liability account?

A liability account is anything the company owes. Accounts Payable, Notes Payable, these are two examples of a liability account. Unearned Revenue is another example of a liability account. Unearned revenue is revenue a company has received but has not yet fulfilled their obligation to the customer. Because the company is now liable for either providing the product (or service) to the customer or refunding the money paid by said customer, it is a liability account until all obligations are fulfilled.

What is current accounts savings account?

A current account is one in which you keep a certain amount of money and use it for your regular day to day transactions. For ex: to pay your phone bill, to pay for your groceries etc. Banks usually do not give you a significant interest on your deposit in this account because of the liquid nature of the account and because you can withdraw your funds anytime you want. A savings account is one in which customers save their monthly savings and they are not like the current account. Though the money is available at any time for the customer to withdraw, money is not as frequently deposited/withdrawn from it like the current account. Hence banks offer a meager interest rate for the money held in this account.

Explain why it is important to take into account service users and deal with their concerns in a positive manner?

It is important to take account the service users into account and deal with them in a positive manner because a happy customer will always return.

What are examples of accounts?

A liability account is anything the company owes. Accounts Payable, Notes Payable, these are two examples of a liability account. Unearned Revenue is another example of a liability account. Unearned revenue is revenue a company has received but has not yet fulfilled their obligation to the customer. Because the company is now liable for either providing the product (or service) to the customer or refunding the money paid by said customer, it is a liability account until all obligations are fulfilled.