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Q: Are property taxes paid in advance or arrears in AZ?
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Are CT property taxes paid in advance or arrears?

CT real estate property taxes are paid in arrears

Are Texas property taxes paid in advance or arrears?

At least in Austin, they are paid in arrears.

Are MT property taxes paid in advance or in arrears?

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Are real estate taxes paid in advance or arrears?

advance Depends entirely on the jurisdiction. For example, different ones in CT use areears or advance. Call and find out.

If you have not defaulted on your mortgage and your term is up can they foreclose?

If it's paid they have no interest however you can still get foreclosed if you are arrears in property taxes:(

If a property is sold who pays the property taxes?

The seller is responsible for all property taxes assessed for the period through the date of sale. The buyer is responsible for all property taxes thereafter. Remember in most states that property tax is paid in arrears which means you are paying for a time period of 3-6 months prior to the current date. On a HUD 1 closing statement those time periods and costs are clearly shown.

If going through foreclosure do property taxes have to be paid?

Yes. The taxes on owed on the property, no matter who owns the property.

Are property taxes owed to the state from the owner when a property is foreclosed?

Property taxes are paid to local governments like counties, not states. If a property is sold at foreclosure auction, usually the county property taxes are paid first out of any proceeds from the sale.

What are federal estate taxes?

Federal state taxes are taxes to be paid to the federal government on owned property. Theses taxes are to be paid once a year.

Do you pay estate taxes on property left to you?

Generally the taxes are paid by the estate.

Can you pay up someones property taxes and acquire their property?

This can be possible when the property taxes are not paid by the owners and the taxing authorities seize the property and sell it at auction to collect the past due property taxes.