

Are common shares an asset

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Are common shares an asset
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What is an asset class?

Asset Class is the name for financial assets that are grouped together into one category. Property, cash, shares and fixed interest are all different asset classes. They are also the most common. There are also categories within asset classes. For example shares includes domestic and international shares.

What is the formula of asset backing ratio?

Book Value of Shares divided by paidup Valur of Shares.

What are the various methods of valuation of shares discribe and illustrate net asset method of valuing shares?

They include; Intrinsic Value Method, Yield Method and Net Asset Method.

Is ordinary shares a current or non current asset?

Neither, shares are listed under owners equity.

Where does the purchase of shares listed on the balance sheet?

In balance sheet asset side

What is net asset per share?

This is the same thing as book value per share. Net asset value is Total Assets - Total Liabilities. You take this number and divide it by the shares outstanding in the company, and you get net asset per share. Example: AT&T Total Assets: 1000 Total Liabilities: 500 Net asset value: 500 Shares outstanding:100 Net Asset per share: $5

A mutual fund has total assets of 57000000 and liabilities of 8550000 If 15960000 shares are outstanding what is the net asset value of the fund?

Net Asset Value or NAV = current market value of fund's investments - current liabilities / number of shares outstanding

What is fungible mean in Term of financial?

If an asset is fungible, then all that means is it has the same terms, conditions, and rights as other assets in the same pool. Hence, one asset can be substituted or exchanged for another asset freely. Eg, the additional issue of ordinary shares of a company are fungible to the ordinary shares that are currently issued in the market.

Is share asset or liability?

Share is treated as liability. It is not treated as asset. shares is called as share capital. capital is entered in the liabilities side of the balance sheet.

Difference between fully paid shares and shares issued at discount?

Fully paid shares means that the amount of which shares are fully paid by the investors while shares issued at discount means, share are issued at discounted price from actual face value of asset.

What is a share describe the various types of shares that can be issued by a company?

A share can be defined as an asset that belongs to an individual or a group of people. The various types of shares that can be issued by a company are Authorized and issued shares. Authorized shares are the ones that a company is allowed to issue while issued shares are the shares that are allocated to shareholders.

What is a convertible bond used for?

Convertible bonds usually have a higher yield than could be obtained with the shares that the bonds convert. They are also considered safer by the investor than preferred or common shared, so they provide asset protection. They are also usually less volatile than regular shares.