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Q: Are Transactions are listed in the journal chronologically?
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Should journal entries be listed chronologically?

Yes, all journal entries should be recorded in a order in which they occur so as per this all journal entries should be listed chronologically.

Transactions recorded in the cash receipts journal?

Transactions recorded in the cash receipts journal are, all receipts of cash.

What three financial statements occur during accounting cycle?

Journal- recording the transaction chronologically. Ledger _ recording the transactions in a classified and grouped . Trial balance - The balances of ledger sorted Dr. balance and Cr. Balance and grouped.

What is difference between a cash payment journal and a purchases journal?

a cash payment journal is used to record only cash payment transactions where as the purchases journal is used to record ONLY purchases on account transactions

A record in which transactions are recorded first is what?


Is cash book is a journal or ledger?

It is both. As cash transactions are handled by the cashier directly, it can be construed as journal. However as the total of cash transactions are taken to the day's journal , it can also be construed as ledger.

Do you only record credit transactions in general journal?

we can also record cash transactions too

What is recording phase of accounting?

Recording phase of accounting is to record the transactions into journal after transactions occured.

Transactions are recorded in a journal in order by?

Chronological order

Form for recording transactions in chronological order?


How do you record transactions in journal?

You record basically how your feelings are.

Business transactions are first recorded in?

general journal.