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Q: A deduction from a full purchase amount that is repaid to the consumer is called a?
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A deduction that a vendor allows on the invoice amount to encourage prompt payment is called?

It is called a Cash Discount

What is repeat sales?

Purchase of a product by a consumer to replace a prior purchase that has been consumed; also called replacement sale.

The initial stage on the rationality model where the consumer gains certainty about a prposed purchase is called?


When a reduction in the price of a good allows a consumer to purchase more of all goods this effect is called the?

Substitution effect

Explain the difference between gross pay and net pay?

Gross pay is the amount without deducting any withholding tax or deduction at source i.e; comapies are bound to duduct the taxes on salary of employer at the time of payment and that pay after deduction of taxes is called net pay.

What is the purchase price of a bond called?

The purchase price of a bond is called the "face value" or "par value" of the bond. This is the amount that the bond issuer agrees to repay the bondholder at maturity.

What is vanishing deduction?

VANISHING DEDUCTIONS - Is an amount allowed-to reduce the taxable estate of a decedent where the property: a. received by him from prior decedent by gift, bequest, devise and inheritance, or b. transferred to him by gift has been the object of previous transferred deductions. It is so called a vanishing deduction because the rate of deduction gradually diminishes and entirely vanishes depending upon the time interval between the two (2) successive transfer.

Who are called consumer?

Consumers are individuals or organizations that purchase goods or services for their own use or consumption. They are an essential part of the economy as they drive demand for products and services.

Post purchase dissonance?

Discomfort or dissonance occurs when a consumer holds conflicting thoughts about a belief or an attitude toward an object. When cognitive dissonance occurs after a purchase it is called post purchase dissonance.Post purchase dissonance occurs because each of the alternatives considered by the consumer usually has both advantages and limitations. Post purchase typically increases as (1) the money value of the computer purchase increases, (2) the degree of similarity between items selected and items rejected increases, and (3) the relative importance of the decision increases

What are animal called in a food chain?

Primary consumer, secondary consumer, main consumer

Where can you purchase camouflage pants?

One can purchase camouflage pants from a huge amount of different retailers. One can get them from Amazon, Walmart, Target, Ebay, and the store called JCPennys.

What is a long-term technique used by investors who purchase an equal dollar amount of the same stock at equal intervals in time called?

A long-term technique used by investors who purchase an equal dollar amount of the same stock at equal intervals in time is called Dollar cost averaging.