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Its about the limitation of fund flow statemants .....

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Q: 2 Fund flow statement also suffers from window dressing of accounts and hence fails to give true view of fund movement Do you agree with this criticism Give your views?
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What are the accounting documents?

Accounting documents are documents that track the movement of cost and money in an organization. Budgets, balance sheets and the income statement are all accounting documents.

Why bad debts written off considered as non cash adjust in the cash flow statement?

The cash flow statement as the name suggest only recognizes transactions that involve the movement of cash. eg. cash/cheque receipts, paymentsBad debts written off does not involve any movement of cash. You neigther receive cash nor pay cash... therefore, it is an non-cash adjustmentHope this helps!

What are the accounting journal entries to record inventory movements?

Increase Inventory - Purchase Dr - InventoryCr - Accounts Payable or CashIncrease Inventory - Manufacturing Completion Dr - Inventory (Finished Goods)Cr - Work in Process or Raw Materials Movement in Manufacturing - Beginning Production Dr - Inventory - Work In ProcessCr - Inventory - Raw Materials Sale of Inventory Dr - Accounts Receivable or CashCr - Inventory - Finished Goods

How does revaluation of inventory affects the cashflow statement?

Revaluation of inventory has no net effect on the cashflow statement as there has been no movement in cash. If the value of inventory is increased, the debit entry to inventory revaluation is negated by the credit entry to the revaluation reserve / shareholders' funds. If the value of inventory is decreased (more common), the credit entry to inventory writedown is negated by the debit entry as an expense or cost of sales item through the "statement of financial position" to retained earnings / shareholders' funds. Treatment and disclosure of course would vary depending on the materiality, timing, accounting standards applicable to the jurisdiction and legislative / regulatory requirements with which the entity is obliged to comply.

What do you gain by learning accounting?

When you learn Accounting you begin to understand the way money flows through the world. It seems like a big statement, but as you see the movement through a company you see that the country moves money in the same way. Learning accounting systems, best practices and cycles makes it easier for you to manage your own money as well.

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The force that accounts for the movement of groundwater is primarily gravity, as water flows from areas of higher elevation to lower elevation through porous materials like soil and rock. Additionally, pressure gradients and capillary action also play a role in the movement of groundwater.