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it has no meaning in greek.

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Q: What is the Greek translation for English names for Sarah?
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Names are tranlated as they would be pronounced in their original language. There are some German forms of English names, John for instance is Johann. The feminine form of Peter is Petra, which is the actual Greek word for rock from which the English name Peter is derived. But, Sarah would still be Sarah in German, just with a really cool accent.

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Some English female names are Sarah, Emily, Charlotte, and Lily.

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namen is the word for names in Dutch. This is the translation from English to Dutch.

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I would suggest giving the original names with a translation in brackets.

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There are two: Thomson and Thompson (these are their names in the English translation of the series)

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"Helen" is an English equivalent of the Italian name Elena.Specifically, the Italian and the English names are feminine proper nouns. The original meaning of the ancient Greek name is unknown. But "moon" (luna) is one possibility.The pronunciation is "eh-LEH-nah."

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Roslyn is a combination of the English names, Rose and Lynn. It has no Greek meaning.

English translation for perdu dans une mer de noms?

The literal translation for this would be 'lost in a sea of names.'