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If a rabbit jumped in his mouth, a lion MIGHT eat a rabbit.

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Q: Would a lion eat a rabit?
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How rabit eat foods?

Rabbits eat with their mouths.

What is the lion Bruh bear Bruh rabit about?

it means the lion said sup bruh to the rabbit and he said do you even lift

Would you rather a tiger eat you or a lion?

I would rather the tiger eat a lion.Personally i would rather have the tiger eat the lion if it's a choice between me or the lion.

Does a vulture eat a lion?

Yes, a lion would eat a vulture.

Does rabbit eat grasshopper?

nope, rabbits are herbivores - eat plants

Who would win a rhino vs a lion?

The lion would eat the rhino

Would zebra is chase by a lion?

The lion wants to eat the zebra.

Would lion eat a African cat?

A Lion is an African cat.

Does a lion eat a vulture?

Yes, a lion would eat a vulture.

What bird would a lion eat?

A lion would only eat a bird if it is the only food left... but if it would it would eat the most common bird in the area. so it all depends where it is.

Why is the cat eating rabit?

It is hungry. If you do not want it to eat the rabbit, then feed your cat.

What would eat a giraffe?

A lion would try to eat a giraffe, but may not succeed.