i dont know but recently ive been asking around as i have a community tank with 6 danios 6 rummynose tetras 3 swordtails 1 hillstream loach 4 salt and pepper corys and 2 cherry shrimps i want a african dwarf frog and a kuhli loach but i have read up on websites that frogs eat kuhli loaches because they think they are worms(theere food) does any1 know any more info on this topic?
An African Dwarf Frog WILL EAT the Kuhli Loach, this is a fact; I witnessed my lone African Dwarf Frog eat my new Kuhli in 1 minute this morning, during her normal feeding hour!!.... I was waiting for her to come out of her cave to give her the bloodworms, Kuhli went in, she turned towards it and gulped him down; then retreated to the back of her cave:( Kuhli was a good three times longer than the frog, and MUCH BIGGER than her standard bloodworms...
They eat Flake, Frozen, Freeze-dried and other fish foood
You cannot put a black kuhli loach in a 5 gallon tank at all, they need a 10 gallon tank at the very least. The maximum size that this loach gets is about 4-5 inches, so a 5 gallon is out of the question. As far as I have read, the black kuhli loaches like to be in schools of about 3-4, and you wouldn't want to have them alone, since the are community fish, they can go with platies, most tetra's, mollies, swordtail's, and small plecos. they just can't be alone or with fish bigger than them that will eat them. hope this answers you question.
some dwarf puffers loach fish goldfish trout
Clown loaches are a little bit more outgoing then some other types of loach. Even then they can be elusive. They stay near the bottom of the tank and often hide behind plants. Due to their bright orange coloration they are still easy to spot. Their relative the Kuhli loach is longer and more eel like. They are much more prone to hiding as you described.
A Kuhli loach prefers water temperatures of 75F to 82F, so a bit warm to tropical; you should add a heater to your aquarium if you don't already have one, and set it's temperature to maintain it somewhere in that range.
if its a blue moon crayfish your talking about, then no. they're territorial and aggressive, and they would attack and eat any fish you put in there. however, if it was, say, a loach, then the loach would eat the crayfish. if you had Mexican dwarf orange crayfish though, they can be housed with any type of fish that will not eat them. they're very calm and docile.
Clown Loach grow to over 12". Dwarf Gourami around 2" and some Plecostomus also reach around 12"+ so using the old basic rule of 1" of fish needs 1 Gallon of water you can see that you are well within the safety margins.
Kagu Kahawai Kaluga Kelp perch Kelpfish Killfish King of herring Kingfish King-of-the-salmon Kissing gourami Knifefish Knifejaw Koi Kokanee Kokopu Kuhli Loach
It really depends on what type of fish you want to know about, fresh water, marine, etc. I can provide you with some fresh water fish species that begin with K: Kissing Gourami, Kribensis, and Kuhli Loach, Kadango Cichlid, Keyhole Cichlid, Knife Liverbearer, Koi Carp
Spined loach was created in 1758.
Keith Loach was born in 1975.
Jack Loach was born in 1942.