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Crashing waves

Smashing waves

Big waves

No waves

Light waves

Heavy waves

Noisy waves


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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

big blue and very beautiful when calm

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βˆ™ 16y ago


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Q: What are simile for waves of the ocean?
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What is a simile for the ocean?

The ocean is like a soft blanket, comforting and inviting!

A simile or metaphor for waves?

The sharp white teeth of the ocean.Don't overuse it!

What literary device is waves as high as mountains broke over the reef?

This is an example of a simile, as it compares waves to mountains using "as."

Which waves are in the ocean?

Ocean waves created by energy in the water are the waves that can be found in the ocean.

What is a simile for 'wide'?

As wide as an ocean.

What does contrast mean in a story?

In a story, contrast refers to the difference or juxtaposition between elements such as characters, settings, themes, or ideas. It helps to highlight certain qualities, create tension, or emphasize the differences between various aspects of the narrative. This can add depth and complexity to the storytelling.

What two things are compared in the simile the ocean is like moist black velvet in The Most Dangerous Game?

This simile is comparing the dark Caribbean ocean with moist(ocean) black (dark night) cake.

What are waves in the open ocean called?

Waves in the open ocean are called ocean waves. These waves are generated by the wind and can travel vast distances across the ocean. Ocean waves can vary in size and strength depending on factors like wind speed and duration.

Is ocean waves are a part of the environment?

Yes, ocean waves are part of the environment.

How does the stadium wave differ from a real ocean wave?

Stadium waves differ from real ocean waves because ocean waves use water and stadium waves use people.

What is the medium in ocean waves?

The ocean...

Are ocean waves and sound waves different?

ocean waves have to do with water and sound waves have to do with sound