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It depends on the specific problem that the Arthritis is causing. It would be best to have it checked out by a medical professional first. exercise can be very goo in delaying the need for treatment in the case of many forms of arthritis.

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Q: Will walking on a treadmill make arthritis in the knee worse?
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Will walking make arthritis in knees worse?

It depends first of all on what sort of arthritis you have what it is in the knee that is damaged and what sort of surface you are walking on. you should seek advice on this question with a medical professional that understands you particular needs. Exercises properly done can alleviate a lot of arthritis suffering.

What is various arthritis of the knee?

It simply means there are several places where there is arthritis in the knee joint.

Can an injury to an osgood schlatters diseased knee cause arthritis in that knee that was injured?

Arthritis can become a problem in any injured knee in the future if the person involved has a tendency to arthritis's.

What are the best knee exercises to do for arthritis?

Any form of gentle exercise will be good for arthritic knees, especially swimming, where there is no jarring or pressure. Stretching and walking will also help. Kneeling or bending too much can be painful and possible make the arthritis worse. Your local gymnasium should have qualified staff able to suggest a good exercise regimen.

What are the chances of arthritis becoming worse in the knee after surgery for a meniscus tear?

There is always the chance that the change in the way the part of the knee sit that exrta pressure may be exerted on sensitive areas that were hitherto not effected.

What is Arthritis of the knee?

Hi, I am a physical therapist and treat knee arthritis. Arthritis in general is inflammation of a joint. In the knee, generally the femur and at times the tiba becomes inflammed secondary to injury of the cartilage that lines the end of the bone. To learn more about knee arthritis and treatment options, just enter Arthritis condition in Google.

My knee hurts to walk on and stand on but there is no swelling?

Many conditions can cause the knee to hurt when walking even though no swelling is apparent. It could be arthritis, tendinitis or another disorder that should be correctly diagnosed by a doctor.

Can osteochondritis dissecans lead to arthritis?

I Had OCD as a teenager in both knees. I now have arthritis in both knees. The arthritis is severe in the knee where I lost the most bone to OCD. I am in my mid fifties and the arthritis affects my knee strength and mobility.

What is the icd 9 code for knee arthritis?


What is the effect of a damaged cartilage in your knee?

juvinille arthritis

Does any surgery help knee arthritis?

Surgery to repair and replace knee joints has been a method of treating the results of arthritis for many years and has had mixed results.

What causes knee swell?

water on the knee, torn cartilage, arthritis, these are just a few of the causes.