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Q: Will vitamin E help get rid of dark circles?
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Do carrots help get rid of dark circles?

Yes, eating carrots may help reduce dark circles (or possibly get rid of them completely) because carrots are good for your eyesight and have many natural vitamins in them. Eating all kinds of fruits and vegetables apparently help reduce (and possibly totally get rid of) dark circles! (: Good luck.

How do you get rid of bags and dark circles?

In addition to applying frozen green teabags or slices of potato and cucumber, a daily normal-sized dose of vitamin C, believe it or not, can reduce the amount of dark in the dark circles in many cases.

How do you get rid of eye circles?

Apparently slicing raw potato and placing on the dark circles has a "bleaching" effect!

What vitamins get rid of dark circles?

A 2004 clinical study conducted by researchers at Tokyo's Nippon Medical School showed that a topical gel treatment containing vitamins A, C, K and E had moderately effective results in reducing dark circles. The gel, which was applied twice a day, contained 2% vitamin K, 0.1% retinol (Vitamin A), 0.1% vitamin C and 0.1% vitamin E . Several over-the-counter creams contain these vitamins. Learn more on the link below.

How do you get rid of dark circles under the eye in African American skin?


Does Vitamin A and Vitamin C help get rid of eye floaters?

No. There is no treatment.

Can egg yolks get rid of dark circles?

yes they can and especially getting rid of wrinkles due to the protein in the egg.

What is the best way to get rid of dark puffy circles under your eyes?

Start adding green veggies in your diet Never skip sleep Apply vitamin e oil or olive oil twice a day

What to do with dark circles under eyes?

Okay..if you want to get rid of the dark circles, i suggest you either rest more often, maybe sleep early, or just get as much rest as you can.

How to get rid of dark circles?

Try applying frozen green tea bags once a day. It'll be chilly, but the anti-oxidants will take away some of the circles and sagging. Dark circles are formed due to insufficient sleep, iron deficiency and mood swings. Here are a few tips to prevent dark circles. Get enough sleep. Every person ideally needs about 8 hours of sleep, but if you think 6 or more is sufficient then sleep the needed hours. Close the windows and block light from hitting your face. Regulate the room temperature and have a good sleep. Exercise your eyes regularly. If you use the computer for more than 8 hours then it is important to take care of your eyes. Make it a practise to look up and away from the monitor once an hour. Rub the palms of your hands and place it on your eyes once an hour. Wash your eyes with cold water and keep them closed for a few minutes after long hours of work on the computer. Be positive and have a calm and relaxed mind. Do not let anything bother you and never take anything personally. Resource:

How is the dark circle remover relate to healthy?

There is a new Revlon complexion concealer that will help get rid of those unwanted dark circles. It is supposed to work really good and it also works really fast.

How can you get rid of your dark circles?

Dark circles under your eyes? Drink less coffee, coffee has ingredients that could do that, or coffee masks fatigue (which is what most commonly causes the darker appearance of the skin).