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Speaking from experience, they will not show up as the same Thing. In fact suboxone won't show up at all unless your test gets sent into a lab and your probation officer or whoever specifically requests a gc/ms for suboxone, which won't happen unless they think you've been doin subs. I take 4 mgs of sub a day and haven't failed yet and my tests getsent into a lab (no gcms). I failed for oxy when I did oxy, but never because of suboxone

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

i have been on both of these drugs and if a urine drug test is going to come up positive for suboxone it has to test directly for suboxone which is very expensive from what i learned from my doctor. methadone is pretty widely used and abused so it is high on the drug testing list with heroin and oxycontin. if your getting tested by a doctor than they can see both in a ua sample but as i said that is expensive, and the sample has to be sent to a lab and all that nonsense. if you are taking suboxone and methadone i dont really get it as the subs would be canceling out the effect the methadone has on the human brain. i hope i helped, i have been through lots of madness with opiates and such so i may be able to help answer your question. peace

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βˆ™ 14y ago

No, Opana and dilaudid will show up as opiates. Suboxone will show up as suboxone because it requires a specific test to detect it.

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Q: Does opana Dilaudid and suboxone show up the same in a urine test?
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