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singing is a way of comunicating for parakeets and a way of showing comfort, the male is probably not used to see a female...give him time, he'll get confortable in 2 weeks latest.

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Q: Will male parakeets stop singing after paired with a female?
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Do male parakeets chirp a lot?

Well, if parakeets are healthy and happy both male and female will chirp alot. That being said, male and female parakeets will often screech if they are not happy or if something like your music being played too loud or a cat is bothering them.

You thought your 2 parakeets were male and female but in 3 years there have been no eggs Why?

Your parakeets may have not been male and female they might have just been 2 females or 2 males.

What gender of rare parakeets does PetSmart sell?

both male and female

How do you tell male from female on parakeets?

By there noses. A males nose is blue. A female is pink or a light peach

Can a female parakeet nose turn blue?

I don't think so. I read that adult female parakeets noses are brown and that adult male parakeets noses are blue. But, young female parakeet's noses are "bluish" and a young male parakeet's nose is pink.

How many years is a male parakeets sperm not good anymore?

There is not a set number of years that a male parakeets sperm is not good anymore. A female parakeet can store a male parakeet's sperm for up to 10 days.

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When are parakeets sexually mature?

You will know when your parakeets (male and female only) want to mate when they start to get along with each other. The male will start to respect the female and began feeding her. This is also a sign for breeding. Enjoy breeding your parakeets! Trust me, it's a LOT of fun!

Do old parakeets get along with a baby parakeet?

It depends, if they r both females, no unless its the babies mother and yes if they are both male or if one is male and the other is female. But sometimes parakeets only like the parakeets they think are pretty so its kind of anonymous.

Why does a male parakeet throw up in a female parakeets mouth?

He feeds her the remains of his last meal out of affection!

What can you do to stop female parakeets from fighting over a male parakeet?

u could either remove 1 of the females or purchase another male.

Is it okay to have more female parakeets than male pararkeets in a cage at once?

Absolutely. Parakeets like to bond and males will fight for females if there is not one for each. But in your case, there are more females than males, which means that eventually each male will bond with a female and the lone female will, I guess, be alone... Female parakeets don't usually fight each other for male parakeets, unless a female that is alone tries to steel a male that has already bonded with another female,(not likely to happen). It also depends if you are planning to breed the parakeets, if so then you might have a problem. The lone female might go inside nesting boxes and smash the eggs. This happens because a female will get(hard to believe) Jealous, to solve this you might want to consider getting a ale for her to bond with. If you do get another male, put the one female and the new male into a separate cage for about 3 weeks. This should be long enough for them to bond, after the 3 weeks put them back into the original cage and they should be fine. If they don't get along though and you don't want to return the parakeet, you can replace that male for one that has already bonded with a different female. If you keep the lone female and the replacement male together, he will eventually bond with her. And the new male that you put in the original cage will eventually bond with the female who had her mate taken away from her.