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Harmful? Probably not. But ineffective? Oh yeah. Long-used rule of thumb for aspirin: Remove the cap and sniff deeply of the bottle. Is there a strong (not "faint") vinegar smell? If so, it's useless - throw them out. If the vinegar smell is very faint, it's still effective.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Some medications literally undergo chemical reactions over time, and that's why they expire. In general, if there's an expiration date then there is a REASON for the expiration date, and you are better off not taking expired medication.

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8y ago

Yes, their effective ingredients may no longer be effective and therefore they will not cure whatever you are taking them for AND more worryingly, their ingredient may have degraded/changed into something that is now harmful to you (for instance, out of date aspirin does this).

If you are ill, go and see a doctor and get new fresh medication prescribed for you.

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15y ago

Not physically, but they may not work on the problem that you are taking them for because they are expired.

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Q: Will expired pills make you sick?
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