no it does not have gore i played the game and beat it there is not any gore!!!!
Call of Duty 3 has an ESRB rating of teen for Blood, Violence, Language. The other Call of Duty games for the PS3 have ESRB rating of Mature and contain the following: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare- Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language Call of Duty: World at War- Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2- Blood, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Language Call of Duty: Black Ops- Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language
No there is no way to turn off blood and gore or language in this game
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is rated 18 because it has a level called no Russian which is a terrorist level. you can easily switch this level off at the beginning of the game. call of duty 5 is a lot worse (blood and violence) than cod6 the only blood and gore in cod6 is in no Russian which you can turn off. online has no bloody violence and nor does offline. i cant state it more clearly the only reason it is an 18 is because of no Russian. if it wasnt for no Russian it would only be a 15.
It is if you are okay letting your kids see blood and gore. As well as listening to curse words.
The game that was developed and released for the Nintendo Wii was Call of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Edition. It's is amazing how many people just don't understand that the Nintendo Wii system just is not a good as a PS3 or Xbox 360 and can not play the same games. That is why Nintendo is planning to replace it very soon with a new more advanced system. It has nothing to do with it being a family console the game that was released was also rated mature and designed for adults. The Reflex Edition was released the same day as MW2. Wii is a family based console, and modern warfare 2 is rated M for gore and violence that's not very family based.
Depends a little on the game version, but for the PS3 World at War has blood and Gore while the Modern warfare also has blood and gore and the Nintendo Wii the World at War does not have gore only blood while Modern Warfare has Blood and Gore in the Reflex Edition.
Violence,strong language, blood and gore
Because it has alot of strong luanguage in and alot of blood and gore.
Yes modern warfare 2 will be rated M or 18 years of age. If you wonder why it will combine the gore and language of call of duty 4 and call of duty: world at war. Just the right mix!!
Call of Duty 3 has an ESRB rating of teen for Blood, Violence, Language. The other Call of Duty games for the PS3 have ESRB rating of Mature and contain the following: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare- Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language Call of Duty: World at War- Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2- Blood, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Language Call of Duty: Black Ops- Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language
No that's how the game was made and theres no way to turn it off
It does have a high amount of violence but in today's society there is violence everywhere. I would say it is acceptable for most 13 year old children because it does not have a gore effect as does Call of Duty: World at War. I also play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 online with a few 13 year old children, and they aren't violent people.
ys it does. Well either go on or if you have xbox live or psn watch a trailer
The Call of Duty series has many different game for a number of platforms and not all are rated M but the ones that are are for the Blood & Gore Strong Language and Intense Violence that resulted in the COD 4 Mature rating
It all depends on which Call of Duty or Halo. Call of Duty Black Ops, World at War or the Modern Warfare series are pretty violent. Modern Warfare series for the No Russian mission and Black Ops or World At War for all the gore and stuff. Lets say you wanted a Call of Duty but you can only get teen rated iterations, I would get Call of Duty 3. I do own Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty 3 and there totally different. Both of them have flaws. If lets say you could get any Call of Duty, I would buy Modern Warfare 2 because Infinity Ward is very good at putting out AAA titles. Now the Halo series isn't all that bad. All you do is shoot aliens. The gore in and of itself only occurs on some of the alien species in Halo 3. Although if your looking for a much better Halo, get Reach. The only thing it has is blood, but it does splatter a little bit. If your looking for a game that does contain violence but not extremely intense, buy Halo.
Its an awesome game, since nobody knows me let me say this: Modern Warfare- Black Ops are STUPID! The other games are all about the Afghanistan war (which shouldn't be going on). Call Of Duty 5 is a ww2 game but its too dumb. There is too much gore, so you people should get call of duty 2 because its ww2 and its normal and not gorey unlike Modern Warfare- Black Ops. The older ones are better.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare was rated m for blood,gore,and strong language but call of duty world at war is worse with Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language only for the PC, Xbox 360 ,and the PS3. The Nintendo DS only rates it T for Teen and the Nintendo Wii rates it mature but it says it only has Blood, Strong Language, & Violence