uuummm....it's a tattoo. yes.
(not necessarily)
a tattoo that doesn't have the highest quality of ink can fade and as you age tattoos fade its just the way your skin is.
no. This is untrue.
This is a myth. There is no gay side or straight side.
Jackson wears his trademark black armband to remind fans of the suffering of children around the world.
"You would wear it on your right arm." Is not correct. A black armband should be worn on your left arm. The reason for this is that the armband represents the deceased and by wearing the armband you are wanting to keep the deceased close to your heart. Your left arm is the one closer to your heart.
Was was the Waffen SS Armband.CommentIf this is a genuine armband, then it is highly unusual. If it was red, not yellow, then it describes the SS (not Waffen-SS) armband. If this is seen in a colour photograph, the colour may have faded.
A black armband is traditionally worn on the left arm, as it is considered closest to the heart. This practice dates back to the 19th century when it was used as a sign of mourning. Wearing the armband on the left arm symbolizes the emotional impact of the loss on the individual.
This answer is NOT TRUE at all. FDR wore the black armband because his Mother had just died. Not because of the attack on Pearl Harbor
to protest the Vietnam war.
I'm not totally positive about this, but the last time I was getting ink, my artist said that you can tattoo white over black if its solid. Haven't tested it, but that's just an idea!
The Black Tattoo has 498 pages.
One armband issued in WW2 Germany was either a black or dark blue armband with a white eagle & swastika/wreath and under the eagle was Reichspost . The Reichspost was the postal service for the country.Some photos show the uniform with a patch of the same design instead of an armband.