yes, they are both the same. the only internal difference between a 22r and a 22re are the pistons are shaped different for different compressions.
they are both the same so yes.
The 22r is carburated. The 22re is fuel injected. I believe that is the only difference.
a 22re is a radiator ignition and a 22r is just the radiator.
nothing 22ris carberated and a 22re is efibut the basic motor is the same
On most engines including the 22r/22re the intake valve is bigger than the exhaust.peace
well if the 1985 did have a 22re ya it wold fit on a 1993 but since they didn't have the 22re in 1985 yet you probably have a 22r or a 20r in the 1985. i would recommend just buying a reconfigured head for the 1993 22re they are cheep like 2-400 bucks then you know its all new and will work
One is electronic ignition
Are you trying to imitate Transformers or something?
1981-1995 22r- 22re new hgt.- 3.790-3.800 -min. hgt.-3.780
some of them had double timing chains and some had single. as long as the new one is the same style then it will work.
the 89 toys had the 22r 22re and 3.0 v6
as long as they both have flat top pistons it will.. but if one is dome top pistons and the other is flat top then no it wont work